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My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Скласти таймлайн #9

Closed UrSanctuary closed 3 years ago

UrSanctuary commented 3 years ago

Скласти список всіх (важливих) життєвих подій, визначних дат, досягнень, періодів, що дали приємний і неприємний досвід, тощо. В цьому конкретному випадку довгих списків не буває, натомість бувають погано згорнуті, тому пакуємо сюди все підряд, а про "лишні" події можна буде промовчати пізніше. Список повинен бути систематизованим і посортованим в такий спосіб, щоб читач швидко зрозумів "паттерн" і міг легко орієнтуватись в просторі і часі цього резюме.

UrSanctuary commented 3 years ago

2018 April: Data ban. Scott Pruitt, appointed by Trump to the post of EPA administrator, proposes a rule that would prevent the agency from basing regulatory decisions on studies for which the underlying data is not publicly available — which includes many studies that rely on medical data, such as those on the health impacts of pollutants.

May: Nuclear withdrawal. Trump announces that the United States will exit the nuclear agreement with Iran, a move criticized by many researchers.

July: Delayed advice. Trump nominates meteorologist Kelvin Droegemeier as his science adviser. The president took longer to appoint someone to this position than any other first-term president since at least 1976, when the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy was created.

August: Industry tilt. The EPA proposes changes to its process for evaluating chemicals that would put greater weight on industry–funded research.

2019 April: Advisers cancelled. US researchers decry a decision by the Department of Defense to cancel its longstanding relationship with JASON, an independent group that provides technical advice to the government and includes many eminent scientists and academics.

September: Sharpiegate. Trump falsely claims that Alabama is likely to be hit harder than anticipated from an approaching hurricane and his administration criticizes National Weather Service forecasters who contradict the president. A government investigation later finds that the administration’s actions could undercut public trust in weather-service forecasts.

November: Goodbye Paris. Trump formally begins the process to withdraw the United States from the 2015 Paris climate accord.

2020 February: Viral misinformation. Trump tells the country not to worry about the coronavirus because it is “mild” and “like a flu”. However, in recorded interviews with journalist Bob Woodward that weren’t released until September, Trump says that the virus is far worse than the flu and that he intentionally plays down the threat to avoid creating a panic.

April: Blaming the WHO. With US coronavirus deaths rapidly climbing, Trump blames China and the World Health Organization, and vows to freeze US funding to the agency.