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activity-based modelling pipeline (for transport demand models)
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How to determine households with no income in the NTS #11

Open Hussein-Mahfouz opened 3 months ago

Hussein-Mahfouz commented 3 months ago

The National Travel Survey household table has a HHIncome2002_B02ID column for Household Income bands. The bands are

Value Label
1 Less than £25,000
2 £25,000 to £49,999
3 £50,000 and over
-8 NA
-10 DEAD

It is unclear if households with income = 0 are categorised under 1 or -8, There are very few rows with HHIncome2002_B02ID = -8

HHIncome2002_B02ID Percentage
1 35.969773
3 34.382872
2 29.559194
-8 0.088161

This is much lower than the ONS values that Sam mentioned:

From eg. ONS, we'd expect the number to be around 10-15% (e.g. 14.1% here)

It looks like households with income = 0 are grouped with other households of income < £25,000. I will match SPC households with income = 0 to HHIncome2002_B02ID = 1 in the NTS. This should improve the matching as I was previously matching them to HHIncome2002_B02ID = -8

Households with income = 0 cannot be directly determined from the HHIncome2002_B02ID column. One option would be to

  1. find household in the NTS where HHoldEmploy_B01ID (Number of employed in household) = 0 & HHIncome2002_B02ID = 1 and assume that these households have 0 income.
  2. Match these households with households in the SPC where salary_yearly = 0

This is not an immediate issue but I may return to it in the future