Urban-Analytics-Technology-Platform / popgetter-cli

A rust library and CLI for accessing popgetter data
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JSON schema extracted from pydantic seems to be missing relationship fields. #13

Open stuartlynn opened 2 months ago

stuartlynn commented 2 months ago

SourceReleaseMetadata seems to be missing the relationship fields like available metrics


Need to check to see if this is true of the export function that @yongrenjie has in the pipeline code and if so figure out why they are missing.

yongrenjie commented 2 months ago

if so figure out why they are missing.

It's commented out in the main branch:


That said ... I personally think it's better to not have this field because it leads to cyclic references that have to be updated in tandem. To find the list of metrics that correspond to this source data release, it's better to query a list of MetricMetadata to see which of them correspond to this source data release