Urban-Analytics-Technology-Platform / popgetter-cli

A rust library and CLI for accessing popgetter data
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Initial implementation of search API #38

Closed stuartlynn closed 3 weeks ago

stuartlynn commented 3 weeks ago
penelopeysm commented 3 weeks ago

Okay, I don't think this is perfect but I think it's at a stage where we could consider merging. Will self-review and drop some comments.

As a general comment, to make the diffs a bit easier to see, I opened a separate draft PR which is (mostly!) limited to the changes to the search bits relative to the last time we worked on it together on Tuesday. It may or may not be useful. https://github.com/Urban-Analytics-Technology-Platform/popgetter-cli/pull/41/files

penelopeysm commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, merged main back in. That was a fun exercise!

penelopeysm commented 3 weeks ago

I think all the outstanding things to do have been converted to issues so will merge now!