Urban-Analytics-Technology-Platform / web-app-template

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Charting library #6

Open dabreegster opened 5 months ago

dabreegster commented 5 months ago

Using plotly directly with Svelte was tedious as of a year ago: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/uatk-spc/blob/6a5f1e772310422b254c048cc13b01f92e48bcf3/web/components/Plots.svelte#L109

dabreegster commented 1 month ago

If it's helpful, I have a few other uses of charting in Svelte from more recent work:

https://github.com/acteng/inspectorate_tools/blob/3030ec8320e62ba56a3c59c7a2654b46eef12cc6/src/routes/route_check/results_summary/LevelOfServiceTable.svelte#L77 Chartjs svelte wrapper is pretty great, though registering is a bit boilerplatey

https://github.com/Urban-Analytics-Technology-Platform/od2net/blob/main/viewer/src/TradeoffRadar.svelte An interactive radar chart, using a plugin

sgreenbury commented 1 month ago

Notes from discussion today:

Next step: add initial version with random data/geojson data directly to main app template with interactive features, then consider refactoring into a component/utils if lots of code