Urban-Meteorology-Reading / WRF-SUEWS

WRF-SUEWS coupling project
MIT License
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Check Parameters - are sensible (e.g. if 100 % vegetation or 100% water) #58

Closed suegrimmond closed 4 years ago

suegrimmond commented 5 years ago

Need to check model parmeters are sensible realtive to other chracteristics. 1) e.g if 100% water (if not- we need to modify SUEWS to check that population data /QF is sensible given the land surface choices (i.e. if 100 % veg or water etc--t there should not be a large population -- or there should be some comment put out.

sunt05 commented 5 years ago

I think @hamidrezaomidvar has implemented a mask in WRF-SUEWS to apply those urban related settings only to impervious surfaces (i.e., buildings and paved). So if a large population would happen in a full water grid, QF calculations wouldn't be applied.