Urban82 / BeurerScaleManager

Linux manager for USB scale from Beurer: weight, body fat, water and muscle measurements.
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 5 forks source link

Feature request: support bluetooth scales #3

Open linuxlurak opened 7 years ago

linuxlurak commented 7 years ago

Bluetooth support for devices like the Beurer BF700 would be super nice. Anyways thank you for your efforts and this great piece of software! cheers!

Urban82 commented 7 years ago

Thank you. I don't have those new devices with bluetooth support, so it will be impossible for me to analyze it. If you have it, you can try to analyze the communication using the original program from Beurer and check the differences with the protocol I found analyzing the communication of my scale. It will also be needed to implement the interface with the bluetooth stack library.