UrbanAnalyst / gtfsrouter

Routing and analysis engine for GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) data
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Index out of bound when GTFS does not include optional trasnfer.txt #22

Closed chinhqho closed 4 years ago

chinhqho commented 4 years ago

library(gtfsrouter) path <- "F:/Project/GTFS" filename <- list.files (path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "GTFS.zip")

gt <- extract_gtfs(filename)

> Warning: This feed contains no transfers.txt


> A gtfs object with the following tables and respective numbers of entries in each:

> calendar calendar_dates routes stops stop_times

> 1930 25264 6648 44501 4602181

> trips

> 155901

> Note: This feed contains no transfers.txt table

gtfsrouter::gtfs_route(gt, from = "Central", to = "Newtown")

> Day not specified; extracting timetable for Monday

> Error in rcpp_csa(gtfs$timetable, gtfs$transfers, nrow(gtfs$stop_ids), : Index out of bounds: [index='from_stop_id'].

mpadge commented 4 years ago

Please provide reproducible code via the reprex package including code to download the data. Without knowing what these data are, I can't help here. Please paste a full reprex which uses download.file() to get the data