UrbanCCD-UChicago / generator-plenario

A generator for plenario frontends.
MIT License
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what's this for? #1

Open derekeder opened 9 years ago

derekeder commented 9 years ago

... and how can we help?

hunterowens commented 9 years ago

@apanella and I were discussing on how to architect the SustainableSystems project. Conclusion was to split the frontend and backend into 2 seperate repos, as the frontend can rely on both main plenar.io (ie, the copy that lives at plenar.io/api/etc) and our forked plenar.io that is modified stuff. However, the frontend can rely on hitting both APIs and just be stored as a static site.

Once we made that decision, it became obvious that there are several frontends that would need to be created (one for planning, the Chinatown view and Soma view just to start), so we thought it would good to have a generator that created a repo with build step, deploy, etc a la Yeoman, the NPR Project Template or Tarbell where you have some sort of command line process that creates the initial repo and basic settings.

Let me know if a) that makes sense and b) if this would something you guys would be interested in working on and then we can figure out where to go from here. This is a placeholder @apanella and I as we are working on de-forking and modifying the backend to start, but that should be done shortly.

Also, spelling. I'm a dofus, sometimes.

derekeder commented 9 years ago

@hunterowens ah cool. makes sense. Looping in @evz too.

I say go for it and let us know if you have design or architecture questions.

hunterowens commented 9 years ago

@derekeder @evz @apanella Finally pushed up a WIP, because school & stuff. Built it as a Yeoman Generator, because standards and all that jazz.

Decisions I made:

Things we should decide: