UrbanInstitute / urbnmapr

State and county maps with Alaska and Hawaii
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Add territories to map #33

Closed alicefeng closed 6 years ago

alicefeng commented 6 years ago

It'd be great if we could map territories in addition to the states. I just got asked to include Puerto Rico in a few state-level maps.

benjaminrobinson commented 6 years ago

Hi! I really like the project as I need to have the combination of being able to map states as well as territories in my work. I'm having some trouble mapping the territories and laying a geom_polygon layer of data on top of it and I think I know why its happening. I looked at your data-raw/utils.R script and I'm not sure if you're getting the territory data to be in the same projection as the states.

Here's the straight mapping of Alaska: image

Here's the straight mapping of the geom_polygon: image

Here's the combination: image

I think this arises from a failed projection in the get_shapefile function, specifically in lines 109-114 where you accidentally rbind the alaska object twice:

mapdata <-
    shapes[!shapes$STATEFP %in% exclude, ] %>%
    rbind(alaska, hawaii, alaska, guam, puerto_rico, virgin_islands,
          mariana_islands, american_samoa) %>%
    # convert from EPSG2163 to (US National Atlas Equal Area) WGS84

Either way, I believe the projection for the territories is off from what it should be (i.e. in alignment with the state shapes like you intended to do). Thanks for the project! I'm looking forward to using it a lot in my spatial R work!

khueyama commented 6 years ago

Hi @benjaminrobinson! Glad to hear that you like the project, and sorry that you're having issues. Would you be able to pass along the code you used to create these plots so that we can take a deeper dive into things?

benjaminrobinson commented 6 years ago

Sure! Happy to oblige:


url <- "https://services.arcgis.com/YnOQrIGdN9JGtBh4/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Study_Areas/FeatureServer/0/query?where=SAC=613023&f=json&outSR=4326"
len <- url %>%
        RJSONIO::fromJSON() %>%
        .$features %>%
        first %>%
        .$geometry %>%
        .$rings %>%
        lapply(., length) %>%

sac <- url %>%
          RJSONIO::fromJSON() %>%
          .$features %>%
          first %>%
          .$geometry %>%
          .$rings %>%
          unlist(recursive = FALSE) %>%
          do.call(rbind, .) %>%
          as.data.frame %>%
          setNames(c("long", "lat")) %>%
          mutate(sac = '613023',
                 id = rep(1:length(len),  times = len))

ggplot() +
            geom_polygon(data = urbnmapr::territories_counties %>% filter(state_abbv == 'AK'), 
            aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), fill = "#E0E0E0", color = "black") +
            geom_polygon(data = sac , 
            aes(x = long, y = lat, group = id), fill = "#FF7500") + 
            coord_map("mercator") + theme_void() + guides(fill = FALSE) + 
            ggtitle("ALASKA | SAC:  613023 - UNITED UTILITIES INC")
benjaminrobinson commented 6 years ago

And if you do it for a state in the states portion of urbnmapr:


url <- "https://services.arcgis.com/YnOQrIGdN9JGtBh4/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Study_Areas/FeatureServer/0/query?where=SAC=305062&f=json&outSR=4326"
len <- url %>%
        RJSONIO::fromJSON() %>%
        .$features %>%
        first %>%
        .$geometry %>%
        .$rings %>%
        lapply(., length) %>%

sac <- url %>%
          RJSONIO::fromJSON() %>%
          .$features %>%
          first %>%
          .$geometry %>%
          .$rings %>%
          unlist(recursive = FALSE) %>%
          do.call(rbind, .) %>%
          as.data.frame %>%
          setNames(c("long", "lat")) %>%
          mutate(sac = '305062',
                 id = rep(1:length(len),  times = len))

ggplot() +
            geom_polygon(data = urbnmapr::states %>% filter(state_abbv == 'OH'), 
            aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), fill = "#E0E0E0", color = "black") +
            geom_polygon(data = sac , 
            aes(x = long, y = lat, group = id), fill = "#FF7500") + 
            coord_map("mercator") + theme_void() + guides(fill = FALSE) + 
            ggtitle("OHIO | SAC: 305062 - CINCINNATI BELL-OH")
benjaminrobinson commented 6 years ago

Just wondering if you're seeing what I'm seeing. Thanks!

khueyama commented 6 years ago

@benjaminrobinson I believe the issue is that we've elided Alaska, Hawaii, and the territories so that they display as insets within the map of the continental US. So your data is plotting to where Alaska truly is, while the map itself has been shifted down and to the right. I think there should be a way to elide your data as well, but I haven't had much luck so far.

benjaminrobinson commented 6 years ago

Hmm...Interesting. Thanks for the explanation! I'll look into it on my end as well because I think this is a really interesting and appealing use case. Thanks again for your work on this!

benjaminrobinson commented 6 years ago

I also want to be able to do this type of mapping on demand in a shiny application so I'd ideally like to have some functionality that could be scaled depending on which of Hawaii, Alaska, or the territories I'm looking at.

awunderground commented 6 years ago

@benjaminrobinson You could try transform_state() from urbnmapr/data-raw/utils.R. Plug in your shapefiles with the same arguments we use for Alaska.

transform_state <- function(object, rot, scale, shift) {
  object %>% elide(rotate = rot) %>%
    elide(scale = max(apply(bbox(object), 1, diff)) / scale) %>%
    elide(shift = shift)

transform_state(-35, 2, c(-2600000, -2300000))

proj4string(alaska) <- proj4string(shapes)

I can't guarantee that this will work. The package is designed for making simple choropleths. I've mapped points on the maps, but I haven't mapped shapes.

@alicefeng "territories" and "territories_counties" can now be used with get_urbn_map() and get_urbn_labels(). Both functions are explained in the README.

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alicefeng commented 6 years ago

Thanks for updating the readme @awunderground !