UretzkyZvi / Database-Query-Result-Monitoring-Management-Pack-for-SCOM

IMPORTANT NOTE: The latest version of the management pack is now available for free download at
MIT License
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Monitor not changing state #12

Closed Lucvdberg closed 6 years ago

Lucvdberg commented 6 years ago

Hi Zvi, Here my question that I also posted in the community of squaredup.


Has anyone experience with the SQL Query MP. I did some testing with a count query that returns values around 58 and set the monitor at ‘greater than 55’. I do the monitoring every 5 minutes and will give an alert by 2 samples. The monitor stays on the OK status. I need to do a recalculate to get this in error and after a refresh health it stays on OK.

Has anyone a solution for that?



UretzkyZvi commented 6 years ago

I have done some changes. Sorry but you would not to delete the current MPs in your SCOM environment and import new MPs version to keep it more easy to maintain I change library mp to version



I hope this will help.

If not, I will keep looking for the root cause of this problem

snazy2000 commented 6 years ago

Have just updated to, now trying to set this up again, performance is working as expected but as Monitors / Alerts dont seem to be working :(

I have it set to check every 5 minutes and if greater than 0 then raise an alert (For 1 sample) but no alerts are generated

UretzkyZvi commented 6 years ago

I fixed the issue with the monitor not change state

QueryOleDbMonitorLibrary.mp QueryOleDbMonitorTemplate.mpb

I will wait for your feedback before I will close the issue. thanks

snazy2000 commented 6 years ago

Have installed the pack and now gone to edit and save and now get this :(

Note: The following information was gathered when the operation was attempted. The information may appear cryptic but provides context for the error. The application will continue to run.

: Processing the template failed. See inner exception for details. Verification failed with 1 errors:

Error 1: Found error in 2|UnknowMP||UnknowMP|| with message: XSD verification failed for the management pack. [Line: 0, Position: 0] System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException: The 'AlertParameter7' element is invalid - The value 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=SERVER;Initial Catalog=DB;User Id=$RunAs[Name="OleDb.f32b5c9916d5482cbe098bc48fe21b48.SimpleAuthenticationAccount"]/UserName$;Password=$RunAs[Name="OleDb.f32b5c9916d5482cbe098bc48fe21b48.SimpleAuthenticationAccount"]/Password$' is invalid according to its datatype 'ManagementPackString' - The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value. ---> System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value. --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.SendValidationEvent(XmlSchemaValidationException e, XmlSeverityType severity) at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.CheckElementValue(String stringValue) at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateAtomicValue(String stringValue, XmlSchemaSimpleType& memberType) at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.InternalValidateEndElement(XmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo, Object typedValue) at System.Xml.XsdValidatingReader.ProcessEndElementEvent() at System.Xml.XsdValidatingReader.Read() at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.XSDVerification.ValidateManagementPack(TextReader mpcontents, ManagementPack mp, Boolean throwError)

XSD verification failed for the management pack. [Line: 0, Position: 0] : Verification failed with 1 errors:

Error 1: Found error in 2|UnknowMP||UnknowMP|| with message: XSD verification failed for the management pack. [Line: 0, Position: 0] System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException: The 'AlertParameter7' element is invalid - The value 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=SERVER;Initial Catalog=DB;User Id=$RunAs[Name="OleDb.f32b5c9916d5482cbe098bc48fe21b48.SimpleAuthenticationAccount"]/UserName$;Password=$RunAs[Name="OleDb.f32b5c9916d5482cbe098bc48fe21b48.SimpleAuthenticationAccount"]/Password$' is invalid according to its datatype 'ManagementPackString' - The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value. ---> System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value. --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.SendValidationEvent(XmlSchemaValidationException e, XmlSeverityType severity) at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.CheckElementValue(String stringValue) at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateAtomicValue(String stringValue, XmlSchemaSimpleType& memberType) at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.InternalValidateEndElement(XmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo, Object typedValue) at System.Xml.XsdValidatingReader.ProcessEndElementEvent() at System.Xml.XsdValidatingReader.Read() at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.XSDVerification.ValidateManagementPack(TextReader mpcontents, ManagementPack mp, Boolean throwError)

: XSD verification failed for the management pack. [Line: 0, Position: 0]

UretzkyZvi commented 6 years ago

I did not know but it turns out that the AlertParameter value has a max size of 256 characters. which means I will have to remove the connection string and query string from an alert description.


UretzkyZvi commented 6 years ago

DONE! current alert example image



snazy2000 commented 6 years ago

Seems to be working as expected now ! :)

UretzkyZvi commented 6 years ago

Great !!