UretzkyZvi / capture-photo

Capture-Photo is a versatile, browser-based React component designed to streamline the integration of camera functionalities directly into your web applications. This component allows users to interactively capture photos using their device's camera without the need for any external software.
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captured image being stretched on browser resize #1

Open fancybaby404 opened 1 month ago

UretzkyZvi commented 1 month ago

Hey, could you specify more details, thanks

fancybaby404 commented 1 month ago

sorry for the lack of information. i found an issue where if i resize the browser in a mobile view, it takes a picture of that resized form and when i maximize the browser again, it is stretched and does not look good. i managed to fix it though, i just had to specify the specific width and height i want for my image component in the camera-provider so that its the same through out.

im unsure anymore on the other steps i've taken to fix the issue but i think that's the main one

functions i modified in camera-provider.tsx: const takePhoto = (): string | undefined => { if ( !playerRef.current || !canvasRef.current || !playerRef.current?.videoWidth || !playerRef.current?.videoHeight || !canvasRef.current?.getContext("2d") ) return; const videoWidth = playerRef.current.videoWidth; const videoHeight = playerRef.current.videoHeight; const canvasWidth = playerRef.current.offsetWidth; const canvasHeight = playerRef.current.offsetHeight;

    let sX = 0;
    let sY = 0;
    let sW = videoWidth;
    let sH = videoHeight;

    const videoAspectRatio = videoWidth / videoHeight;
    const canvasAspectRatio = canvasWidth / canvasHeight;

    if (videoAspectRatio > canvasAspectRatio) {
        sW = videoHeight * canvasAspectRatio;
        sX = (videoWidth - sW) / 2;
    } else if (videoAspectRatio < canvasAspectRatio) {
        sH = videoWidth / canvasAspectRatio;
        sY = (videoHeight - sH) / 2;

    canvasRef.current.width = canvasWidth;
    canvasRef.current.height = canvasHeight;

    const context = canvasRef.current.getContext("2d");
    if (context && playerRef?.current) {

    const imgData = canvasRef.current.toDataURL("image/jpeg");

    return imgData;

initCameraStream :

                audio: false,
                video: {
                    deviceId: activeDeviceId
                        ? { exact: activeDeviceId }
                        : undefined,
                    // width: { min: 480, ideal: 480 }, // 4:3 aspect ratio for iPhone
                    // height: { min: 360, ideal: 360 },
                    // aspectRatio: { ideal: 1.3333333333 }, // 4:3 aspect ratio
                    width: { min: 320, ideal: 1080, max: 1080 },
                    height: { min: 566, ideal: 1350, max: 1350 },
                    aspectRatio: { ideal: 1.25 }, // Aspect ratio between 1.91:1 (0.523) and 4:5 (1.25)
UretzkyZvi commented 1 month ago

Thank you for reporting the issue and sharing your solution! I would greatly appreciate your contribution. To ensure your fix is integrated into the project, I encourage you to fork the repository and create a pull request (PR) with your changes. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  1. Fork the Repository:

    • Click the "Fork" button in the upper right corner of the repository page. This will create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the Forked Repository:

    • Open your terminal or command prompt.
    • Clone your forked repository using the following command:
      git clone https://github.com/your-username/capture-photo.git
    • Replace your-username with your GitHub username.
  3. Create a New Branch:

    • Navigate to the repository directory:
      cd capture-photo
    • Create a new branch for your changes:
      git checkout -b fix-image-stretch-issue
  4. Make Your Changes:

    • Open the camera-provider.tsx file in your preferred code editor.
    • Apply the changes you mentioned:

      const takePhoto = (): string | undefined => {
      if (
       !playerRef.current ||
       !canvasRef.current ||
       !playerRef.current?.videoWidth ||
       !playerRef.current?.videoHeight ||
      ) return;
      const videoWidth = playerRef.current.videoWidth;
      const videoHeight = playerRef.current.videoHeight;
      const canvasWidth = playerRef.current.offsetWidth;
      const canvasHeight = playerRef.current.offsetHeight;
      let sX = 0;
      let sY = 0;
      let sW = videoWidth;
      let sH = videoHeight;
      const videoAspectRatio = videoWidth / videoHeight;
      const canvasAspectRatio = canvasWidth / canvasHeight;
      if (videoAspectRatio > canvasAspectRatio) {
       sW = videoHeight * canvasAspectRatio;
       sX = (videoWidth - sW) / 2;
      } else if (videoAspectRatio < canvasAspectRatio) {
       sH = videoWidth / canvasAspectRatio;
       sY = (videoHeight - sH) / 2;
      canvasRef.current.width = canvasWidth;
      canvasRef.current.height = canvasHeight;
      const context = canvasRef.current.getContext("2d");
      if (context && playerRef?.current) {
      const imgData = canvasRef.current.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
      return imgData;
      const initCameraStream = () => {
         audio: false,
         video: {
           deviceId: activeDeviceId ? { exact: activeDeviceId } : undefined,
           width: { min: 320, ideal: 1080, max: 1080 },
           height: { min: 566, ideal: 1350, max: 1350 },
           aspectRatio: { ideal: 1.25 },
       .then((stream) => {
         // Your existing code to handle the stream
  5. Commit Your Changes:

    • Add your changes to the staging area:
      git add camera-provider.tsx
    • Commit your changes with a meaningful message:
      git commit -m "Fix image stretch issue on browser resize."
  6. Push Your Changes:

    • Push your changes to your forked repository:
      git push origin fix-image-stretch-issue
  7. Create a Pull Request:

    • Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub.
    • Click the "Compare & pull request" button.
    • Submit the pull request. Thanks for your contribution