Urigo / Ionic-MeteorCLI-WhatsApp

WhatsApp Clone tutorial with Ionic 1.0 and Meteor CLI
MIT License
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How to do "For now, let’s remove unnecessary files: $ rm -rf server client"? #45

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

This is in the first page in the WhatsApp tutorial whenever I put in "$ rm -rf server client" I get an error saying this is not an internal or external command. How would I fix this? Thanks!

AnnotatedJS commented 6 years ago

Try the command without the $ sign ==> rm -rf server client

dave-happlab commented 5 years ago

Hi i tried this without the dollar sign rm -rf server client but still got a message in command prompt saying. C:\Windows\System32\whatsapp>rm -rf server client 'rm' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.