Urigo / angular-meteor

Angular and Meteor - The perfect stack
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Add example using Apollo #1448

Closed mischkl closed 6 years ago

mischkl commented 7 years ago

Hi, was just wondering if folks are keeping an eye on GraphQL/Apollo and if someone who knows what they're doing might be willing to create a demo with Angular 2 similar to https://github.com/apollostack/meteor-starter-kit . There is already a nice Angular 2 Apollo integration package and an example of using it here: https://github.com/apollostack/githunt-angular2, but no demos yet of the complete combination Meteor + Angular 2 + Apollo so far. Cheers!

Urigo commented 7 years ago

@mischkl definitely want to add an example and maybe a chapter to Socially... Would love some help with that, if someone wants to give it a try, you can contact me directly and I'll help you with everything you need

Eraldo commented 7 years ago

+1 I too would love to have some kind of full fledged sample application. (ideally also adding more of the useful stuff)

darkbasic commented 7 years ago


adrianolsk commented 7 years ago

+1 I have seen a lot of cool stuffs on Meteor, Apollo and Angular 2. But is really confusing to implement, and there is no tutorial explaining how to implement this 3 together.

Some examples that I have seen uses angular2 for client with Angular CLI with webpack and Meteor for the server side. But it don´t explain how to put that in production, would I need 2 different deploys or one?

I found a example with meteor and apollo and another with apollo and angular. Apollo now supports pub/sub and I didn't see a example using angular.

What I would like to see is a example using: Meteor Angular2 with webpack Apollo server and client integration with pub/sub for realtime. (I also saw something about server side rendering and was wondering how that would play with all this)

With Meteor everything just works, but when I try put all those new cool stuffs together everything falls apart and explode.

cosmin-dumitrache commented 7 years ago


jrosseel commented 7 years ago


danielszenasi commented 7 years ago


rodrilink commented 7 years ago


plmercereau commented 7 years ago


mayman99 commented 7 years ago


darkbasic commented 6 years ago

I have a working example here: https://github.com/darkbasic/angularcli-graphql The client doesn't use Meteor at all, but the backend uses Meteor's oplog tailing to achieve @live queries: https://github.com/Urigo/WhatsApp-Server-GraphQL-Live-RxJS-Meteor

Right now I'm working on the next tutorial, which will use Apollo and GraphQL so stay tuned.

ardatan commented 6 years ago

Closed by https://github.com/Urigo/angular-meteor/commit/4a64d340c6e36e96941782a575f02c642304dc0d