Urigo / angular-spinkit

SpinKit (http://tobiasahlin.com/spinkit/) spinners for AngularJS
MIT License
189 stars 36 forks source link

Add a css instead of generating inline css #8

Closed faisalferoz closed 10 years ago

faisalferoz commented 10 years ago

This would allow the users to override the styles if they want. As in my case I don't want a margin around the spinners as I am showing them in a td - margin messes up the whole table.

Urigo commented 10 years ago

@faisalferoz can you have a look on the latest commit? If it solves your problem I'll release a new version

faisalferoz commented 10 years ago

@Urigo yup that solves the issue.

Just a minor suggestion - shouldn't the style sheet be houses in styles folder instead of keeping it at the root of project.

Urigo commented 10 years ago

@faisalferoz yes sounds better, if you want you can pull request it and i'll merge so you will get the credit ;)