Urigo / meteor-angular-socially

angular-meteor example and tutorial app
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Angular Tutorial Step 3 - ReferenceError: Parties is not defined #146

Closed flawlite closed 7 years ago

flawlite commented 7 years ago

I have followed step by step carefully but still throw this error. Whats wrong here?

`import angular from 'angular'; import angularMeteor from 'angular-meteor';

import template from './partiesList.html';

class PartiesList { constructor($scope, $reactive) { 'ngInject';


  parties() {
    return Parties.find({});

} }

const name = 'partiesList';

// create a module export default angular.module(name, [ angularMeteor ]).component(name, { template, controllerAs: name, controller: PartiesList }); `

flawlite commented 7 years ago

I think for now add import { Parties } from '../../../../collections/parties'; will fix it.