Currently, I've run into an issue where I have an observable on my server side (which is created from Rx.Observable.bindNodeCallback).
When I try to return this observable in a Meteor.Method (not subscribing to it on the server, returning the whole observable) and call it using on the client I get back an object, that looks like it is an observable( {isScalar:false} etc as you'd expect when logging an observable), however, I cannot subscribe to the observable that is passed through to the client.
am I doing something wrong here?
I had a look at what MeteorObservable does and saw that is passes the response from into which seems to be why im getting the response im seeing.
Maybe adding a way to have MeteorObservable pass through a return if it is already an observable?
Feel free to shut me down if I'm just doing something wrong here.
Currently, I've run into an issue where I have an observable on my server side (which is created from Rx.Observable.bindNodeCallback). When I try to return this observable in a Meteor.Method (not subscribing to it on the server, returning the whole observable) and call it using on the client I get back an object, that looks like it is an observable( {isScalar:false} etc as you'd expect when logging an observable), however, I cannot subscribe to the observable that is passed through to the client.
am I doing something wrong here? I had a look at what MeteorObservable does and saw that is passes the response from into which seems to be why im getting the response im seeing.
Maybe adding a way to have MeteorObservable pass through a return if it is already an observable?
Feel free to shut me down if I'm just doing something wrong here.