UrukBartas / Game

One game to rule them all, One game to find them; One game to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. 💍
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Speedmode / hourglass #33

Open iotamoonz opened 3 months ago

iotamoonz commented 3 months ago

Maybe it is an idea to get a paid on-time quest skip. e.g. you can pay x Uruks every 6h to turn a hourglass for an open quest to skip the time and go immediately to the fight.

tihomir22 commented 2 months ago

Hey moonz,

We have the intention to add mounts, any of these mounts will have a base time reduction for the quest time and the player would have only one equipped at the moment.

Also I thought of adding something similar to what we have in the Shop, daily roll & premium roll for the quests so they can re-rolled and also a "Skip button" for the quests, what do you think about this lasts?

And for the inmediate hourglass concretely, we actually have an item not available yet which does that, once the the player "teleports" to the combat place, it gets destroyed or consumed and has to be bought again.

What do you think about this mechanic also?

Ty for your feedback!

iotamoonz commented 2 months ago

Love the idea of mounts, thats great! Also the idea to add the existing dailyroll premiumroll is an great idea. In this case there is no need for an "hourglass"