UserModels2223 / group-project-team-getcreative

group-project-team-getcreative created by GitHub Classroom
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suggestion - Matthew Melcherts #1

Open MatthewBMelcherts opened 1 year ago

MatthewBMelcherts commented 1 year ago

Your project plans to use French, instead I would suggest using Swahili. This is because most people already have some knowledge of French, and Swahili is generally used since it is a somewhat easy language to learn from English. Also, I am curious of what the goal is of the "third round", what is it trying to test and how?

mberentschot commented 1 year ago

First of all, you have a good point about changing it from French to Swahili, so we did. Then, the goal of the "third round" is to see whether it makes a difference when we only show the images after incorrect answers. In this way, the images work as kind of a "feedback", rather than images being used as plain information. We will use this round in order to see whether it is best to always show images, or that it is more efficient to only show images after incorrect answers, since the way of testing is time-based.