UserModels2223 / group-project-team-studysmart

group-project-team-studysmart created by GitHub Classroom
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Suggestion #1

Open FransJoosten opened 2 years ago

FransJoosten commented 2 years ago

Good afternoon,

I think you have a clear and thoughtful plan. However, I am interested in whether using three translations for the word in context, as shown below in the example, does influence the word to learn.

Prompt: Wij kopen een huis Correct answer: to buy OR buy OR buying

So, to be concrete, if you have shown the sentence in context, are from that point onwards more answers correct for the same word? And do you think this influences the learning of the user?

Greetings, Joost Franssen (Group MFH)

JulietteBruin commented 2 years ago

That's a good point. We will try to implement that after the base program works. To our understanding, the extra options for answering would allow for a more extensive learning experience (in this case additionally learning the verb forms).