The next page button is greyed out and disabled, so scientists can only view 5, 10 or 20 proposals (using the "rows per page" dropdown) and cannot view more.
Small workaround is to use the search box, or play with the column sorting to get different results.
Flecknell, George (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Experiment Scientist view pagination is broken for the LSF 2025_1 call. It will only show 20 proposals when there are 35.
Please can we look into that ASAP as Rob Lees is trying to run a FAP for that round.
The next page button is greyed out and disabled, so scientists can only view 5, 10 or 20 proposals (using the "rows per page" dropdown) and cannot view more.
Small workaround is to use the search box, or play with the column sorting to get different results.