UsmanAhmadSaeed / Animations

Animations is an open source collection of coded animations, containing but not limited to loaders, menus, scroll transitions, and much more.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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New Card Animation Added #42

Closed 1447bits closed 1 year ago

1447bits commented 1 year ago

Button operated expandable card operation added also changed some alignments from hover card animation for better visuals

DevKosov commented 1 year ago

Hey i love the idea behind this animation.

Before adding it to the repository, here's some changes that would improve it.

Happy to help if you need

1447bits commented 1 year ago

Thank you sir, but actually I am struggling with the collapse animation, and it would be helpful if you can help me with that

1447bits commented 1 year ago

Kindly review these Updates Make it responsive ✔️ shrink card when button clicked twice✔️

DevKosov commented 1 year ago

Hey, I reviewed your code There are a few more point that i believe you can improve it.

Differences between id and classes

First of all when adding an animation to a div you should use animation classes instead of ids for animations. This will allow you to add multiple classes to an element. An id selector is unique in a page and can only apply to at most one element, while a class selector can apply to multiple elements.

For your example Instead of using class="card1" you could use id="card1" as card1 is unique. Where as when adding animation with javascript :

//dont do this
document.querySelector(".card1").setAttribute("id", "faded")

//but do this instead

Making the animation we want (expand and shrink)

There are multiple ways to solve this problem here's the one i would.

Notice that we are using transitions in css, they provide a way to control animation speed when changing CSS properties. css_transitions

Try exploring these new ways of solving this problem. I think you will enjoy it.

As for the responsiveness and the other points they are validated.

1447bits commented 1 year ago

Thank You for the suggestions it really helped,

DevKosov commented 1 year ago

Well done. I'm merging this version, if you're willing to continue working on improving the animation please do.

Here's some improvements that could be made.

When clicking an other button the current expanded shrinks and the other button expands at the same time.

It should be easy. Also have a question on how your counter works. Why do you use it? let count = 0;

1447bits commented 1 year ago

I am so glad to hear you liked my work,

logic behind counter is to indicate the state of card

initially count = 0 provide next Expand action count = 1 // indicates expanded card and count = -1 // indicates normal card

initially we can also set "count = -1" it will also work but starting with "zero" makes more sense because then value will oscillate between 0 and 1

Actually i was struggling with on and off conditions of a card and came up with counter approach problem was to indicate normal card and count = -1 was the way but then 0-1 approach worked now we can remove conditions for count = -1