UtilitechAS / amsreader-firmware

ESP8266 and ESP32 compatible firmware to read, interpret and publish data to MQTT from smart electrical meters, both DLMS and DSMR is supported
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AmsToMqttBridge in Raw data (bytes) mode #369

Closed roberthaugen73 closed 1 year ago

roberthaugen73 commented 1 year ago

Swapped a Tibber Pulse(running local) with an AmsToMqttBridge in Raw data (bytes) mode.

Expected that the AmsToMqttBridge in Raw data (bytes) mode should present the data in the same format, but it differs.

IN MQTT Explorer:

Tibber Pulse data: ��+!�#���� �� ���7 ���� �Kamstrup_V0001 ����� �57065672813xxxxx ���`��� �6841131BN2431xxxxx �������� ������� ������� �������� �������S ���3���K ���G��� ��� ���� ���4���� ���H����F

AmsToMqttBridge "Raw data (bytes) mode" data: 02190A0E4B616D73747275705F563030303109060101000005FF0A103537303635363732383133373631313509060101600101FF0A1236383431313331424E32343331303130343009060101010700FF06000000BD09060101020700FF060000000009060101030700FF060000000009060101040700FF0600000104090601011F0700FF060000004C09060101330700FF060000005109060101470700FF060000000909060101200700FF1200EE09060101340700FF1200EC09060101480700FF1200EC

The AmsToMqttBridge is timing out during configuration.

Meter manufacturer: Kamstrup Meter type: 6841131BN243101040 OBIS List version identifier: Kamstrup_V0001

The AmsToMqttBridge is working in HomeAssistant mode.

Could not decode meter message: 30323139304130453442363136443733373437323735373035463536333033303330333130393036303130313030303030354646304131303335333733303336333533363337333233

ArnieO commented 1 year ago

Hi Robert,

"The AmsToMqttBridge is timing out during configuration." Is this the Pow-K+ I replaced with a new card - and you still have issues?

The raw data you quote from Tibber seems to not be in hexadecimal format.

"Could not decode meter message: " Where do you see this message - in HA?

roberthaugen73 commented 1 year ago

The messages are cut/paste from MQTT Explorer

The device is working ok in HA mode! Stable ! Trouble in Raw data (bytes) mode.

gskjold commented 1 year ago

Raw mode is as intended, dumping data in hex string to MQTT. I have never used Tibber pulse with MQTT, so it has not been my intention to copy them in any way. But I understand the confusion with the naming. Could rename it and add another option called binary. Not sure how far up my list that would be though, a bit busy with next version :)

roberthaugen73 commented 1 year ago

By Design. Not an error.