UtilitechAS / amsreader-firmware

ESP8266 and ESP32 compatible firmware to read, interpret and publish data to MQTT from smart electrical meters, both DLMS and DSMR is supported
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Correct configuration for wemos D1 mini & DLSM meter #614

Closed TRIROG closed 1 year ago

TRIROG commented 1 year ago

Read the entire readme but cant seem to find how to configure the Wemos D1 mini for reading of AM550 meter that uses DLMS.

I see HAN sttus in web interface but i have DLSM meter with P1 port. Does that matter?

I know i need to invert the receive pin which i did using bc546 and some resistors. I confirmed the connection to be working by using raspberry pi and gurux dlsm python script to listen to output.

now what?

TRIROG commented 1 year ago

OK, so i got to the correct settings by trial and error and using telnet debug (very nice!).

For hardware serial on wemos d1 mini clone port should be UART0 and not UART2 as indicated in wiki. Furthermore the function of pullup on UART is not really clear, but i had to leave it on to work.

So for anyone reading this, definitely use telnet debug to find the correct settings.

ArnieO commented 1 year ago

We have not taken the time to write documentation for various DIY HW; it would be a large and "never ending" job. Thank you for your (and other DIY'ers') understanding!

TRIROG commented 1 year ago

Actually thank YOU guys for the great software and sharing it here! I just wanted to point out some defficiencies in the wiki documentation i came upon. Nothing else.