Utk71 / erc20

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KYC Contract for Banking and other ORGANISATIONS. #2

Open Utk71 opened 1 year ago

Utk71 commented 1 year ago

pragma solidity ^0.5.16;

contract KYC {

address kycadmin;

constructor() public {
    kycadmin = msg.sender;

modifier onlyadmin(){

struct Bank {
    string name;
    uint256 kycCount;
    address Address;
    bool isAllowedToAddCustomer;
    bool kycPrivilege;

struct Customer {
    string name;
    string data;
    address validatedBank;
    bool kycStatus;

mapping(address => Bank) banks; //  Mapping a bank's address to the Bank
mapping(string => Customer) customersInfo;  //  Mapping a customer's username to the Customer     

 *  Name        :   addNewBank
 *  Description :   This function is used by the admin to add a new bank to the KYC Contract. This function can be called by admin only.
 *  Parameters  :
 *      param  {string} bankName :  The name of the bank/organisation.
 *      param  {address} add :  The  unique Ethereum address of the bank/organisation
function addNewBank(string memory bankName,address add) public onlyadmin {
    require(!areBothStringSame(banks[add].name,bankName), "A Bank already exists with same name");
    banks[add] = Bank(bankName,0,add,true,true);

 *  Name        :   blockBankFromKYC
 *  Description :   This function can only be used by the admin to change the status of kyc Permission of any of the
 *                  banks at any point of the time.
 *  Parameters  :
 *      @param  {address} add :  The  unique Ethereum address of the bank/organisation
function blockBankFromKYC(address add) public onlyadmin returns(int) {
    require(banks[add].Address != address(0), "Bank not found");
    banks[add].kycPrivilege = false;
    return 1;

 *  Name        :   allowBankFromKYC
 *  Description :   This function can only be used by the admin to change the status of kyc Permission of any of the
 *                  banks at any point of the time.
 *  Parameters  :
 *      @param  {address} add :  The  unique Ethereum address of the bank/organisation
function allowBankFromKYC(address add) public onlyadmin returns(int) {
    require(banks[add].Address != address(0), "Bank not found");
    banks[add].kycPrivilege = true;
    return 1;

 *  Name        :   blockBankFromAddingNewCustomers
 *  Description :   This function can only be used by the admin to block any bank to add any new customer.
 *  Parameters  :
 *      @param  {address} add :  The  unique Ethereum address of the bank/organisation
function blockBankFromAddingNewCustomers(address add) public onlyadmin returns(int){
    require(banks[add].Address != address(0), "Bank not found");
    require(banks[add].isAllowedToAddCustomer, "Requested Bank is already blocked to add new customers");
    banks[add].isAllowedToAddCustomer = false;
    return 1;

 *  Name        :   allowBankFromAddingNewCustomers
 *  Description :   This function can only be used by the admin to allow any bank to add any new customer.
 *  Parameters  :
 *      @param  {address} add :  The  unique Ethereum address of the bank/organisation
function allowBankFromAddingNewCustomers(address add) public onlyadmin returns(int){
    require(banks[add].Address != address(0), "Bank not found");
    require(!banks[add].isAllowedToAddCustomer, "Requested Bank is already allowed to add new customers");
    banks[add].isAllowedToAddCustomer = true;
    return 1;

 *  Name        :   addNewCustomerToBank
 *  Description :   This function will add a customer to the customer list. If IsAllowed is false then don't process
 *                  the request.
 *  Parameters  :
 *      param {string} custName :  The name of the customer
 *      param {string} custData :  The hash of the customer data as a string.
function addNewCustomerToBank(string memory custName,string memory custData) public {
    require(banks[msg.sender].isAllowedToAddCustomer, "Requested Bank is blocked to add new customers");
    require(customersInfo[custName].validatedBank == address(0), "Requested Customer already exists");

    customersInfo[custName] = Customer(custName, custData,msg.sender,false);

 *  Name        :   viewCustomerData
 *  Description :   This function allows a bank to view details of a customer.
 *  Parameters  :
 *      @param  {string} custName :  The name of the customer

function viewCustomerData(string memory custName) public view returns(string memory,bool){
    require(customersInfo[custName].validatedBank != address(0), "Requested Customer not found");
    return (customersInfo[custName].data,customersInfo[custName].kycStatus);

 *  Name        :   addNewCustomerRequestForKYC
 *  Description :   This function is used to add the KYC request to the requests list. If kycPermission is set to false bank won’t be allowed to add requests for any customer.
 *  Parameters  :
 *      @param  {string} custName :  The name of the customer for whom KYC is to be done
function addNewCustomerRequestForKYC(string memory custName) public returns(int){
    require(banks[msg.sender].kycPrivilege, "Requested Bank does'nt have KYC Privilege");
    customersInfo[custName].kycStatus= true;

    return 1;

 *  Name        :   getCustomerKycStatus
 *  Description :   This function is used to fetch customer kyc status from the smart contract. If true then the customer
 *                  is verified.
 *  Parameters  :
 *      @param  {string} custName :  The name of the customer

function getCustomerKycStatus(string memory custName) public view returns(bool){
    require(customersInfo[custName].validatedBank != address(0), "Requested Customer not found");
    return (customersInfo[custName].kycStatus);

 *  Name        :   areBothStringSame
 *  Description :   This is an internal function is verify equality of strings
 *  Parameters  :
 *      @param {string} a :   1st string
 *      @param  {string} b :   2nd string

function areBothStringSame(string memory a, string memory b) private pure returns (bool) {
    if(bytes(a).length != bytes(b).length) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return keccak256(bytes(a)) == keccak256(bytes(b));


Utk71 commented 1 year ago

This is a ERC20 contract designed to KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS. (KYC Contract).