UtkarshVerma / hugo-dream-plus

:rainbow: An upgraded version of the Hugo "Dream" theme with tons of new features.
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url '/404/' generated in sitemap.xml #56

Closed zxkane closed 5 years ago

zxkane commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

The 404 page is generated in sitemap.xml.

The webmaster tool of google will report the link of '/404/' problematic as not found.

To Reproduce
State the steps which are to be followed for reproducing the bug you've encountered.

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

I checked some other themes of hugo, I find there is no /404/ link in sitemap.xml. Might there is a way to gracefully exclude the url '/404/' from the sitemap.xml.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Your project
If possible, give the link to your Hugo site project repository.

Hugo version

UtkarshVerma commented 5 years ago

@zxkane I myself am not well versed with the working of websites. I've put up a question on Webmasters Stack Exchange in the meantime. Hopefully, I'll have a clear picture after that.

zxkane commented 5 years ago

I'm not familiar with Hugo custom mechanics. I checked another theme also having custom 404 page, but 404 URL is not generated in sitemap.

UtkarshVerma commented 5 years ago

I've decided to prevent the 404 page from being indexed. This issue will be fixed through some later commits.

UtkarshVerma commented 5 years ago

It was being indexed because I was keeping a 404.md file in the content folder. Now I've fixed this by placing the 404.md file outside the content folder hence it doesn't get built by Hugo and isn't indexed!

zxkane commented 5 years ago

Thanks for fixing it quickly.

UtkarshVerma commented 5 years ago

No problem. Fixing every issue just improves my theme, so why shouldn't I? By the way, I just found a better way to fix this without changing the file location of 404.md. Will be implemented within the following hour.