UtrechtUniversity / workshop-introduction-to-python

One day workshop: Introduction to Python and Pandas.
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table of contents #1

Closed jelletreep closed 1 year ago

jelletreep commented 1 year ago

I propose we use this issue to discuss and make as concept table of contents. I think we can the two carpentries courses:

  1. Plotting and programming with python
  2. Programming with python

Both are very nice sources where we can borrow materials from. Course 2 is numpy based, which we agreed on that we prefer that over pandas. Course 1 has some other nice aspects (I think mainly the introductory parts (episodes 1-5) which are more elaborate compared to the fundamentals in Course 2. I think we could take the fundamentals from Course 1 and switch to Course two after that, which would lead to the structure below. I think the last episodes of course 2 can be skipped to make it fit in one day.

Proposed structure: episodes topics
First 5 episodes from Plotting and programming with python
1. Running and Quitting How can I run Python programs?
2. Variables and Assignment How can I store data in programs?
3. Data Types and Type Conversion What kinds of data do programs store? How can I convert one type to another?
4. Built-in Functions and Help How can I use built-in functions? How can I find out what they do? What kind of errors can occur in programs?
5. Libraries How can I use software that other people have written? How can I find out what that software does?
Then continue with Programming with python
2. Analyzing Patient Data How can I process tabular data files in Python?
3. Visualizing Tabular Data How can I visualize tabular data in Python? How can I group several plots together?
4. Storing Multiple Values in Lists How can I store many values together?
5. Repeating Actions with Loops How can I do the same operations on many different values?
6. Analyzing Data from Multiple Files How can I do the same operations on many different files?
7. Making Choices How can my programs do different things based on data values?
8. Creating Functions How can I define new functions? What’s the difference between defining and calling a function? What happens when I call a function?
11. Debugging How can I debug my program?

This needs to be finetuned a lot of course, but maybe first discuss the outline?

nehamoopen commented 1 year ago

another r course for reference: https://datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/

nehamoopen commented 1 year ago

another python course: https://datacarpentry.org/python-ecology-lesson/