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Problem with "phantom" episodes #931

Closed viking1304 closed 1 year ago

viking1304 commented 1 year ago

I use my watched list from Trakt as a primary source when I import TV shows. This works without a problem for most shows, but I am getting some "phantom" episodes that do not exist and cannot be marked as watched for some shows.

The only way to fix the problem is to remove that show from my list in the application (or to leave them marked unwatched).

Trakt uses TVDB as a primary source for episode information since it is more accurate than TMDB. This is more obvious for non-English shows, that I watch the most.

Some examples of "phantom" episodes:

show https://trakt.tv/shows/goblin 16 episodes, Trakt 16, TVDB 16, TMDB 23 phantom episodes: s01e17 - s01e23 (7 episodes)

show: https://trakt.tv/shows/well-intended-love 36 episodes, Trakt 36, TVDB 36, TMDB 40 phantom episodes: s02e17 - s02e20 (4 episodes)

show: https://trakt.tv/shows/die-now-2017 20 episodes, Trakt 20, TVDB 20, TMDB 21 phantom episodes: s01e21 (1 episode)

It would probably be a good idea to ignore TMDB info about episodes if Trakt is used. In that case, it would probably be best to use info from Trakt or TVDB or to add an option to choose between TMDB and TVDB.

UweTrottmann commented 1 year ago

Just leaving this here: https://twitter.com/trakt/status/1429894689050677255

And this: https://discuss.seriesgui.de/t/tmdb-migration-issues-and-questions/1158


viking1304 commented 1 year ago

I understand why you closed this issue, but I am even more confused now. I do not understand how Trakt can have the correct number of episodes for a show which uses TMDB as the primary source when there is a wrong number of episodes listed on TMDB.

https://trakt.tv/shows/goblin UPDATED MAR 5, 2023 DATASOURCE: TMDB The number of episodes is 16 (correct)

TMDB link from that Trakt page is https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/67915 The number of episodes is 23 (which is wrong)

UweTrottmann commented 1 year ago

I reported this to Trakt and the show data was refreshed. It now matches what is on TMDB.

Edit: the other two shows were not migrated at Trakt, yet. You can help by making the episodes match on TMDB or if you know why episodes are different, report the show to Trakt. IIRC they now have internal tools to map episodes between each other.

https://trakt.tv/transition/tmdb/shows?trakt_id=144539 https://trakt.tv/transition/tmdb/shows?trakt_id=128959

viking1304 commented 1 year ago

You can help by making the episodes match on TMDB or if you know why episodes are different, report the show to them.

Those errors are made by people who just do not care enough. One show had seasons 1 and 6 on TMDB, even though the series has only 6 short episodes (mini-series).

I reported the error on TMDB for all 3 shows, and I will also ask for a refresh on Trakt later. I did that before, so I am fully aware of the process.

Please do not get me wrong. You did an excellent job with this app, and I love it very much. I just wanted to try to avoid fixing messy TMDB entries if possible. But, if that is the only way, I'll have to learn to live with it. 🤷‍♂️