Uzebox / uzebox

A retro-minimalist game console engine for the ATMega644
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Suggestions for the assembly and enclosure guides #118

Open danboid opened 1 year ago

danboid commented 1 year ago

The Uzebox has a great assembly guide PDF available here:

I'm now most of my way through my second Uzebox build so I wanted to make a note a couple of things I'd like to see get added or changed in the guide to make it a bit more beginner friendly.

This guide assumes that you have a Uzebox PCB with the AD725 chip already attached. That is unlikely to be the case.

I'm not sure exactly when might be optimal to attach the AD725 but it is best done before assembling the video circuitry on p14 because adding those caps makes soldering the AD725 more difficult, as someone who really should've known better on his second attempt has just realised. It might bed a good idea to include such a warning in the guide to stop others repeating this should be obvious gaff.

It would be good if the guide got updated to give some tips regarding attaching the AD725 for those new to SMD soldering like myself. When I came to do this the first time, I didn't think about using blu tack to hold the chip in place so I had he fantastic idea of supergluing it onto the PCB in a moment of poorer judgement because I didn't have a suitable clamp to hold it still as I soldered it.

Blu tack is far from ideal but its something most people are likely to have in the house and its better than nothing if you don't have any better aids. Maybe you have a better and equally affordable technique that you could share with us in the guide?

Jimmy Dansbo uploaded this YT video to document how he attached the AD725 and SD card socket to his Uzebox so the assembly guide could link to Jimmy's video.

The PDF also presumes that the user is using a pre-programmed ATMega. I think one of the steps on p13 needs to be updated to also add the SPI header and link to the avrdude Uzebox wiki page for instructions on flashing the MCU. At the stage where the user can test the audio there is enough of the Uzebox in place to use the SPI header to flash it.

danboid commented 1 year ago

Another thing I'd like to see added to the Uzebox docs that doesn't seem worth opening a separate ticket for is I'd like to see Farnell and/or RS Components part numbers added to the BOM for European users. It's quite costly to get stuff shipped from Digikey to the UK.

I should be able to contribute the RS equivalent part numbers for an updated BOM but making a kit available is more important.

EDIT: Uzebox Omega Farnell BOM done

danboid commented 1 year ago

I hope you don't mind me posting random small issues with the Uzebox site here. I have another issue that doesn't seem quite worth opening a separate ticket for.

On , the download link for the RGBUzebox schematics (note that schematic is spelled incorrectly too) is broken but you can still download the zip from:

danboid commented 1 year ago

It seems that the white RCA jack listed in the current official BOM (CP-1420-ND) is no longer available from Digi-key. They still have plenty of the CP-1421-ND, the yellow version of the connector as used for composite out).

KLPX-0848A-2-W looks similar and does have almost the same footprint as CP-1420-ND but the back leg has a ridge that stops it fitting flush into the Uzebox PCB.

Mouser stock the correct RCA jack as 490-RCJ-043

EDIT: RCA jack fixed with most recent Uzebox BOM.

danboid commented 1 year ago

Uze has posted a enclosure assembly guide on the forum which should be made available to download from


I've added this link to

The guide says you need a hot glue gun but I'd say you'd quite easily get away without one, a tube of glue and some kind of applicator should suffice but thats a nitpick.

The enclosure guide recommends 6x 2mmx10mm self tapping screws but I used 6x 3x12mm self tapping screws and they'd seem like a better choice to me. 3mm screws are also what is recommended in the Thingiverse printing instructions for the case.

I think it would be good to add some recommendations for those getting the shell 3D printed to the enclosure guide. I printed my first Uzebox top shell upside down. This has the advantage of sparing you having to print and remove any internal supports but it also prevents the ridges on the top printing correctly. I used my fingernail to eke out the ridges on the top. I'm not recommending that others also do this but it is an option if you care less about the looks and don't want the hassle of having to remove the supports which can snap your case if you're not careful so I thought I'd mention that here.

You've probably got some much better 3D printing recommendations than me I expect.


The printing instructions are on the Thingiverse page:

-Faberdashery PLA used: Arctic white, Classic Black, Robot Silver, Mercury Red.

-Print spec: 225 deg hot end, 70 heated bed, 30mm/s. Used support structure for top shell.

-6 x 3mmx12mm self taping screws

-For the buttons, it's easier to print the Button-power-cap.STL, Button-power-shaft.STL, button-reset-cap.STL, Button-reset-shaft.STL flat face down and glue them using strong glue (i.e CrazyGlue).

danboid commented 1 year ago

I would recommend that the assembly guide start with soldering the power jack first instead of the regulator. The reason for this is that the power jack is pretty much the only component that can be soldered on at the wrong angle. I spent over two hours last night trying to unsolder the power jack from my latest build because its not on straight yet I've failed to remove it so I've decided to start over with another board.

Because this was the third component I attached to the PCB, I've now lost three components instead of potentially just the one if that had been the first component I had been advised to attach.

danboid commented 9 months ago

p8 has a "Other parts required" section and I think this should include a svideo or composite video cable and a SNES controller.

danboid commented 9 months ago

It's turning out to be quite the epic issue this now isn't it?

At the end of the first post in this issue I said "The PDF also presumes that the user is using a pre-programmed ATMega. I think one of the steps on p13 needs to be updated to also add the SPI header and link to the avrdude Uzebox wiki page for instructions on flashing the MCU. At the stage where the user can test the audio there is enough of the Uzebox in place to use the SPI header to flash it."

Well it depends. If the user does have a pre-programmed MCU, then they are best off waiting until they have soldered the SD card socket before attaching the ISP header. They won't be able to solder the side of the SD socket nearest the ISP header if they install that first so I think this should be mentioned on page 13 ie it is recommended to solder the SD card socket before you solder the ISP header.


I'm currently editing my video on how to build a Uzebox Omega. In the video I will recommend users solder the power jack and then the SD card socket as the first two components.

EDIT 2 - Feb 4 2024

Now I realise the SD card socket is best attached at the part where the assemly guide does it but I think attaching the power jack first is good practice.

danboid commented 8 months ago

The assembly guide could (should?) recommend the use of flux when soldering the SD card socket, the AD725 and the SNES connectors.

Doing so might be obvious to those experienced at soldering but this guide will also be read by those with no previous experience, like myself.

I have tried soldering the SD card socket and the SNES connectors without using flux and it did not go so well. The SNES connectors were pretty easy to attach when using a thin layer of flux on the connector pads and attaching the SD card socket was easier (but still a bit tricky) with flux.

EDIT: I added the flux soldering to to the Omega wiki page but it equally applies to the regular Uzebox.

danboid commented 7 months ago

Seeing as I've now almost finished my "How to build a Uzebox Omega" video, I'm pretty sure this will be the last suggestion I have to make for the assembly guide, my fine tooth comb having pretty much worn out.

The "Other parts required" section should list a AVR ISP mkii, one of the other programmers supported by avrdude or alternately 6x female to female Dupont cables if using GPIO.

weber21w commented 5 months ago

Alec will have to look at this to fix the downloads page. Would adding assembly guides in the repo help? Would probably be easier to keep them up to date.

danboid commented 5 months ago

Adding the assembly guides to the repo would make sense to me. Ideally they would be stored in a format easily editable with an open source, cross platform editor.

uze6666 commented 1 month ago

Lee's idea makes lots of sense, it will make it easier for anyone to update . And Markdown is easy to edit and open source. I've imported the existing v1.7 assembly guide in a branch. Check it out and let me know what you think. It's obvious it's showing its age and will have to be redone at some point. All pics shows a very old rev of the PCB and the initial guide was geared toward kit buyers as Dan mentioned. I won't have time to do that in the short time but it's there if someone wants to tackle it.

danboid commented 1 month ago

I'll check that branch out and add my suggestions soon.

danboid commented 2 weeks ago

I'm still using Firefox as my main browser so I've installed this extension to get markdown previews rendered in FF outside of GitHub:

danboid commented 2 weeks ago

I have applied pretty much all of my suggestions above and a few more to this edit of the assembly guide:

Once @uze6666 has added that file and the accompanying images etc to the repo we can close this ticket.

danboid commented 2 weeks ago

The only suggestion I've not added yet is this:

The "Other parts required" section should include a svideo or composite video cable and a SNES controller.

Also solder flux should be added to the "Tools required" section to help soldering the AD725, SD card socket and SNES connectors. Due to the git workflow, I'd find it easier to add those after Alec has merged the guide into the repo. I have added my recommendations to use flux to the guide already.

uze6666 commented 1 week ago

I have applied pretty much all of my suggestions above and a few more to this edit of the assembly guide:

Once @uze6666 has added that file and the accompanying images etc to the repo we can close this ticket.

Could you please make a pull request on the branch for your changes, it will be easier for me to review the changes.

danboid commented 1 week ago

I honestly don't know how to do that. Its probably time I learned to use git properly. I know how to switch branches but I don't know how to clone a branch into a new fork? Cloning the repo doesn't clone its branches.

Alternately, you could compare the two files using meld:

I suspect you'll find other uses for meld. It's great!