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v2-Slideshow / Markdown Slideshow #210

Open VillageHubertChen opened 7 years ago

VillageHubertChen commented 7 years ago

Tasks G1 & G2

Implement the Slideshow in YML / Markdown as straight forward as possible with no changes to the slide show in UI Kit.


  1. Picture
  2. Slidenav: Forward, backward button
  3. Dotnav: Dots, centered on bottom.

    Languages & Libraries

    • YML: Contain data for each slide show
    • Markdown: Contains article in which the slide show is included
    • UI Kit: Javascript & CSS library, modern version of Bootstrap


    • On Load: Show first picture of slide show
    • Hover over picture: Show UI Elements
    • Click next / prev slide button: Show next / prev picture
    • Click dot: Go to the picture number corresponding the dot number



    • → UI Kit > Slideshow](http://getuikit.com/docs/slideshow.html)
    • Navigations: Exactly as in → "Slidenav and Dotnav"



Note: I propose you implement the full version in the yml already in the first Generation. But you are not using Title and Description in the generated slide show. That would be in Gen 2.

Implementation Steps

  1. Implement simple version in Codepen to proof you understand how to use it and to check UI Kit slideshow actually works
  2. Implement hand coded page with HTML to proof the slide show has no conflict when used in the V²Site environment
  3. Add to our Liquid \ the slide show feature. Any bugs now should be only related to Liquid coding. It must spit out identical HTML as in step 2.

    Gen 2

    Added Elements

  4. Title: Picture Title shown under Picture
  5. Description: Text shown under Picture Title

    Added behavior

    • On Next Slide: Change Title and Description accordingly


  6. Picture
  7. Title: Under Picture
  8. Description: Under Title


VillageHubertChen commented 7 years ago

Gen 3: customSlideshow

LukasChen commented 7 years ago

Gen 4: V2-Slideshow