V-Squared / V-Squared.github.io

Initiative for Modular and Upgradable Mini and All-In-One PC. Standards — Know How — Blueprints — Trailblazer Products
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Board Structure: V² > Standards #219

Open VillageHubertChen opened 8 years ago

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago


V² Home Page
     ├ Standards
     │     ├ V² White Paper
     │     │     ├ Missing Standard
     │     │     ├ 3rd Evolution Open Source
     │     │     ├ Portable All-in-One
     │     │     ┊
     │     │     └ Markdown Publishing
     │     │
     │     ├ V² Workflows
     │     │     ├ V²Publishing
     │     │     ├ V²CAM
     │     │     ├ V²Agile
     │     │     └ V²Art
     │     │
     │     ├ V² Modular PC
     │     │     ├ V²PC-Feet
     │     │     ├ V²PC-Bracket
     │     │     ├ V²PC-Access
     │     │     ├ V²PC-Stand
     │     │     ├ V²PC-Lights
     │     │     ┊
     │     │     └ V²Case-Duino
     │     │
     │     ├ V² PC Usability
     │     │     ├ V²Repair
     │     │     ├ V²Noise
     │     │     ├ V²Clean
     │     │     ┊
     │     │     └ V²Upgrade
     │     │ 
     │     ├ V² Compatibility Logo
     │     │     ├ V²Logo-White Paper
     │     │     ┊
     │     │     └ V²Case-License     
     │     │
     │     └ V² Data Models
     │           ├ V²Configurator App
     │           ├ V²Config Model
     │           ┊
     │           └ V²Config Data
     ├ Products
     ├ Makers
     ├ DIY

Front Matter Intro Pages

V² White Paper

Board Structure: V² > Standards #219 Board Structure: V²►Products #113 Board Structure for V²►Plan #78 Board Structure of V²►Organization #80 Board Structure for V²►Spreading #82 Epic►011►Parent: Board Structure for V²►DIY 2016W23 #122