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V² > Plan > Agile > Intro #54

Closed VillageHubertChen closed 8 years ago

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago

Tasks Stage 1

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago

List of Articles

# G Title Menu File Name i #
1 1 Introduction to V²Plan System Intro system.md 59
2 1 V²Agile Workflow on GitHub V²Agile Workflow agile-workflow.md 60
3 1 V²Sprint Workflow on GitHub V²Sprint Workflow sprint-workflow.md 61
4 1 Roles & Communication Roles & Communication roles.md 62
5 1 Iterations & Testing Iterations & Testing iterations.md 63
6 1 Solving today's Problems Solving Problems solving-problems.md 64
7 1 Features of V²Plan Features of V²Plan features.md 65
8 5 Video Tutorials V²Plan Video Tutorials V²Plan videos.md 66
9 1 Agile Development Primer Agile Primer agile-primer.md 67
10 3 Toyota Production Primer Toyota Production Primer toyota-primer.md 68
11 1 Motivation by Design Motivation by Design motivation.md 69
12 1 Multi Repo Management Multi Repo Management multi-repo.md 70
12 1 Adding SCRUM to GitHub Adding SCRUM adding-scrum.md 71
13 1 Adding Dashboard to GitHub Adding Dashboard dashboard.md 72
14 2 Adding Gantt to GitHub Adding Gantt adding-gantt.md 73
15 4 Adding Workload to GitHub Adding Workload workload.md 74
16 1 V² Plan Reference V² Plan Reference reference.md 75
17 1 Developing V²Plan Developing V²Plan developing.md 76
19 1 Adapting V²Plan Adapting V²Plan adapting.md 77

Articles Published in First Stage

We only create Articles that we intent to finish writing in th

# Title Notes
0- Intro Assorted list of Content of Article Series
1- Solving today's Problems Renamed from Problems of the Past. Need to be rewritten to reflect the new title and abstract. Our problems from the past are maybe a chapter in the end?
2 Adding SCRUM to GitHub 1) Evaluating 3rd Party Tools
3 Adding Dashboard to GitHub 1) Focusing Development Team 2) Keeping Overview on Cross Repo Development 3) Updating Stake Holders
3- Agile Development Primer Compile writing from → tutorialspoint. Use Illustrations I already made. Remember to move Roles and Communications to separate Article as per below list entry
4- V²Agile Workflow on GitHub Fill out writing as per Illustration and template writing already present
5- V²Sprint Workflow on GitHub Use Illustration I already mad. Write as per Article above
6 Roles & Communication as per → tutorialspoint
7 Testing
8- V² Plan Reference 1) Sort out into other Articles which no longer belongs here 2) Reorganize 3) Add table for Labels 4) Add Waffle Integration
9 Features of V²Plan Every time I am working on a Feature not listed yet then list it here
10 Developing V²Plan
11 Motivation by Design
12 Multi Repo Management
13 Adapting V²Plan
VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago

Titles, Subtitles, Abstracts

!!! Now transferred → https://v-squared.github.io/plan/agile/ !!!

Introduction to V²Plan System

Linked Listing of all Articles with Titles, Info-graphics and Abstracts.

After reading this Article you have a complete overview to V²Plan and you will know what each Article is about so that you can focus your further reading on the topics you are interested in. The content will change with progress of development of V²Plan. In the beginning we focus more on guiding development whereas with ongoing completion focus will shift to user documentation. As with all V² projects the progress bar shows you how usable each article or feature is at this time. We started using V²Plan to manage ourselves right from the get go. In the best spirit of Eating your own dog food.

Tip: In the best spirit of Agile Development that puts experience over documentation you can dive straight into V²Plan with the four Getting Started Articles: → V²Agile Workflow on GitHub, → V²Sprint Workflow on GitHub, → Roles & Communication, → Testing.

V²Agile Workflow on GitHub

Getting Started 1: All Steps from Vision to Ideas through Sprint Development to Product Release

Agile development requires the repeated precise execution of specific workflows. V²Plan tools are designed to guide and assist in executing these workflows. This Article first shows the Overview Agile Workflow from beginning to end. Then you can zoom into each step of the overview which is a complete workflow in on itself. Each workflow is documented with three methods: 1) User Stories, 2) Step by Step Text Tutorial, 3) Video Tutorial. Interactive Info-graphics assist in the learning process. Whereas the → Agile Development Primer focus on the principles of Agile Development, these workflows focus on their implementation in daily work.

V²Sprint Workflow on GitHub

Getting Started 2: Workflow during a Sprint. Integration with GitHub Issues and Waffles.

The Sprint Workflow is at the core of the Agile Workflow as such we give it this dedicated Article. This Article works just the same as the previous: It first shows the Overview Sprint Workflow from beginning to end. Then you can zoom into each step of the overview which is a complete workflow in on itself. Each workflow is documented with three methods: 1) User Stories, 2) Step by Step Text Tutorial, 3) Video Tutorial. Interactive Info-graphics assist in the learning process.

Roles & Communication

Getting Started 3: Who is doing what, when and why. How to let whom know and when.

Definition of each Role in the Agile Development System. What are responsibilities and activities of each Role. How to communicate between each role using the tools of the V²Plan System so that communication is transparent. Thanks to the V²Plan System some of the communication even automatically becomes documentation, saving your time.


Getting Started 4: How to frequently test, integrate and release a Shipable Product Increment.

Testing, integration and shipping need to be very efficient when you have to release the product once a week. Naturally solutions will be very specific to your type of product and development tools. Our products are Know How Articles and Web Applications. This Article shows how we solved the practical problems for us, how our Workflow looks like and what tools we are using.

Solving today's Problems

How V² Plan solves the Problems of managing Agile Development and Production on GitHub.

V²Plan is for Organizations that have their Repositories on GitHub and who are looking for a better way to manage their Development and Production. V²Plan is an Open Source Zero Cost Solution. It utilizes the capabilities of GitHub Issues to its full extent and then adds the missing tools, such as Cross Repository Management, SCRUM Boards, Gantt Charts and True North.

Features of V²Plan

Key Features and Specs of V²Plan.

If you are evaluating V²Plan this list of features shall quickly show you what V²Plan can and can not do. While developing V²Plan this is one of our guides what to develop. The availability of Features is listed → V²Plan Development. User Stories are in → V²Agile Workflow on GitHub and → V²Sprint Workflow on GitHub.

Video Tutorials V²Plan

One Video Tutorial per Workflow

When completed this Article will be a a structured and illustrated assembly of all V²Plan Instruction Videos. Until then we record any idea that we want to show in the Videos here.

Agile Development Primer

How Incremental and Rapid Develop works and its benefits.

Complete Introduction Article on how Agile Development works and what are the benefits versus the Traditional Waterfall Development. The key idea and key benefit is to produce a Shippable Product Increment aka Iteration in a very short time, such as one week. This makes for a very fast Return of Investment as well as very fast Customer Feedback. We excluded any V²Plan specific information so that those already knowledgeable on Agile Development can safely skip this Article.

Toyota Production Primer

How Incremental and Rapid Production works, its benefits and V²Plan's Implementation.

Agile Development is based on the principles of the Toyota Production System aka TPS. Understanding its principles makes the difference between making Agile Development really work for you versus only going through the motions yet not achieving faster speed and higher quality. The Toyota Production System is also the logical choice for a company who develops Software using the Agile Method and also manufactures computer hardware. We apply TPS for the production of: Computer Cases, Printed Circuit Board Assemblies and Cables.

Motivation by Design

How to keep your Developer and your Community happy.

Motivation of both developer and community is essential to fast development of high quality products in demand. In turn: Fast development of high quality products is very motivating to developer and the community. This article shows how this relationship is at the core of all principles of Agile Development System. Understanding these principles will help you to always keep a high level of motivation.

Notes to the Author: We chose Waffle because it can show the SCRUM Board to anyone without requiring to install a browser plugin. We plan to show to boards in the Repository Menu: 1) Scrum Board of all that is going on. 2) Scrum Board of this V²Board only. If all Issues are in v-squared.github.io they are filtered out by current milestone. Current milestone is given in the URL and would need to be updated with a milestone change. As such this step would need to go into instructions on what to do when switching milestones.

Multi Repo Management

How to manage an Organization on GitHub with many Repositories.

Some Organizations need to manage more than one Repository which are closely interrelated between each other. V²Plan provides the strategy to achieve this target with as little effort as possible and adds the missing tools. In this Article we also show links to our Implementation with our Real World Data so that you can see how Multi Repo Management looks like in V²Plan: What information are given at your fingertips, how things are cross linked and how you quickly can navigate these cross links.

Adding SCRUM to GitHub

Complete How to Add SCRUM to GitHub Tutorial and Primer

All you want to know in one Article: 1) What software tools GitHub is missing when using it for Agile SCRUM 2) What third Party tools are available and which one is best for you 3) Installation, Configuration and Integration 4) Usage and Workflow Example

Adding Dashboard to GitHub

How to focus your development team and how to update your stake holders on progress

1) Focusing Development Team 2) Keeping Overview on Cross Repo Development 3) Updating Stake Holders 4) Creating and archiving history of work done.

Adding Gantt to GitHub

Complete How to Add Gantt Charts to GitHub Tutorial and Primer

All you want to know in one Article: 1) When Gantt Charts make a Difference 2) What third party tools are available 3) Installation, Configuration and Integration 4) Usage and Workflow Example

Adding Workload to GitHub

Complete How to Add Workload Estimates to GitHub Tutorial and Primer

How to solve the problems on: 1) Creating accurate estimates on required time to complete an issue. 2) Balance workload on developers 3) Complete a Sprint on time.

V² Plan Reference

Architecture, Data Structure, Tools, Visualization and Navigation of V²Plan. Mapping of V²Plan to Agile Development.

The Reference Manual to V²Plan serves two purposes: 1) The theoretical look behind the scenes shows the Architecture of V²Plan with occasional goodies such as an explanation why we made particular choices. This background information will help you to better remember the V²Agile Workflows. 2) A place to quickly look up information.

Developing V²Plan

What Features are already working, which features are planned and how you can help

The core features of V²Plan are ready by June 2016 so that we can manage ourselves using V²Plan in the best spirit of Eating your own dog food. This Article gives an overview which features are available when. It also shows our development approach and our current development focus. This is also the place to read up on how to contribute or how to make suggestions or to report bugs.

Adapting V²Plan

Tutorials an how to introduce and adapt V²Plan to your GitHub Organization.

A three step procedure to install and configure V²Plan on your GitHub Organization: 1) Overview of what is involved in terms of time, technology and cost. 2) Table of all Parameters you want to adjust. 3) Step by step Tutorials on how to install and configure V²Plan.

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago

Structure for each Article


Bread Crumb

Info Graphics

It is placed in Jumbotron, however here I explain more of its features

Article Section

Benefits of this Structure

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago

Renaming List for already existing Articles

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago

Create V² Plan Articles

  1. all Articles are in the /system/ folder
  2. Rename the existing Articles first
  3. Add the → Titles, Subtitles and Abstracts
  4. Create the remaining Articles of First Stage onlye → List of Articles !!! First Stage is in second table. Total only 14 Articles instead of 19!!!
  5. Add Issue Numbers → Titles, Subtitles and Abstracts
VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago

Automatically generated Introduction Page

Hot Edit

We added grouping of Articles. Read grouping and Article order from YML file.



VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago

Special Situation of this Article

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago

Grouping V²Plan System Articles

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago

Manually Created Intro Page

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago


@bcaswelch , @tcaswelch

Please review / edit this article. The content and structure has already undergone a major edit from GI, so hopefully all what is left for you is to fix my German-English.

All feedback is welcome. After this Beta Review this Article will be set to "Make".

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago



Originally we wanted you to generate this Article automatically from front matter content of each Article. But you were sick and I wanted to make progress. Can you still style this Article as in Markdown? Remember the original ideas to use cards? At this time we will not have yet title graphics available for each article. However, can you make it so that clicking on a card brings you to the article?

VillageHubertChen commented 8 years ago


@georgillies Please review / edit this article.

  1. Does the sum of abstracts cover all ground you would want to see covered?
  2. How is the grouping of the articles?
  3. How is the order of the articles?
  4. Is each abstract in on itself self explanatory?
  5. How is the flow of all abstracts when reading from top to bottom in one sitting?

All feedback is welcome. After this Beta Review this Article will be set to "Make".