V0idWa1k3r / SmartBackpacks

A backpack mod for minecraft that adds backpacks of varying sizes that can be upgraded with various upgrades.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Server Backpacks appear empty #18

Open gazpachoking opened 5 years ago

gazpachoking commented 5 years ago

When I use this mod single player, everything works fine. When I use it on a server however, opening the backpack it appears the backpack is empty. If I then click on an item slot with something in it, I'll pick up the item, and all other items in the backpack appear until I close/open the backpack again.

Unerismy commented 5 years ago

this also happens to me

V0idWa1k3r commented 5 years ago

Hm, could you please provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue? I can't reproduce it on my local server.

gazpachoking commented 5 years ago

I just did a new install to test. Minecraft 1.12.2, Forge 2760, only mod installed on the server was Smart Backpacks 1.0.6. On the client I also had JEI to spawn one in. Opened a backpack from my hotbar, put an item in, closed and open the bag again and the item was invisible.

V0idWa1k3r commented 5 years ago

I did the same on my local server and the items were perfectly visible, even after relog. And after restarting the server items were visible too. This is very strange.

gazpachoking commented 5 years ago

Hmm, not sure. I reproduced this on a couple different machines, one windows box running the server locally, and one where the server was running on a remote linux box.

gazpachoking commented 5 years ago

Couldn't think of any more variables, so I made sure to update my java. Tested on 1.8.0_181, still same issue.

DBotThePony commented 5 years ago

This is definitely still reproducable. However, you can't reproduce this issue if you wear backpack on yourself and open it.

Freebi85 commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, it's still happening.

Brittank88 commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately happens to me too. Appears that the bag isn't updated with the items it should have until an operation happens with one of its slots. Example: I shift+click in an item into the bugged, empty backpack and it moves into the first slot. This bag should be about 1/3 full. As soon as I click in another slot and "update" the bag properly, all the items appear and my shift+clicked item moves over to the end slot, where it should be. I have a lot of other mods installed, but clearly this issue happens even with this mod on its own (plus JEI, I guess). I would recommend testing for this issue on different devices if you can't replicate it currently V0idWa1k3r, unless you've already tried that.

KorewaLidesu commented 5 months ago

Is any of you still playing with this mod? Can I ask about the device you are using, JDK vendor and version? Since this is very oddly that I can't replicate it with only this mod.