V2AI / Det3D

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Invalid device ordinal #86

Closed Gang-Chen-China closed 4 years ago

Gang-Chen-China commented 4 years ago

Hi, i was training the Pointpillars on Nuscenes, but it shows cuda runtime error: invalid device ordinal,does anyone know how to solve it?

Gang-Chen-China commented 4 years ago

thanks,i have solved it !!!

turboxin commented 4 years ago

hi @Gang-Chen-China, could you please share your solution to this problem, thanks a lot~

Gang-Chen-China commented 4 years ago

hi @Gang-Chen-China, could you please share your solution to this problem, thanks a lot~

yeah , i train with single GPU and change the train.sh . kile this: python3 ./tools/train.py ./examples/point_pillars/configs/original_pp_mghead_syncbn_kitti.py --work_dir=$PP_WORK_DIR