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Avoid Deleting client.keys and wazuh-agent logs on host. #3

Closed sjdwhiting closed 2 months ago

sjdwhiting commented 2 months ago

Description of changes

Implemented rysnc to maintain client.keys intact.

Prior to this, client.keys was overwritten due to the use of cp -rf. This was noted on a reboot of my test machine. The agent was then unable to register with the manager server due to a name collision.

I tested this on a reboot and rebuild.

Things done

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V3ntus commented 2 months ago

Couple thoughts on this:

Since we're theoretically only updating the binaries every build, what are your thoughts on just copying and overwriting /var/ossec/bin on every pre-start? That now just leaves us with overwriting /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf as we're assuming it's being configured declarative in the user's configuration.nix. All other stateful files remain untouched.

V3ntus commented 2 months ago

While it is possible to take a declarative approach to client.keys, I don't think that makes sense.

I agree, I'm assuming these are handled internally by Wazuh.

sjdwhiting commented 2 months ago

Good point on the other files like logs. Not super useful to have logs purged due to other systems operations.

I think it makes sense to overwrite /var/ossec/bin every time as well as ossec.conf.

What do we do about the initial population of /var/ossec like on the initial build? Should we include that in the actual package definition maybe as opposed to in the service?

sjdwhiting commented 2 months ago

So after looking at the output of tree for /var/ossec for my install, I think I remain in favor of using rsync to copy everything over and just add exclusions for things like the log files. It seems like it is mostly things we want to copy over on every build and only a few volatile items that need preserved.

I know that with central management you can push configuration changes to agents, so I think we want to preserve that functionality somehow so we might need to call out additional files within /var/ossec/etc and also figure out which ones can be added as options in the service like you did with ossec.conf.

[root@nixos:/var/ossec]# tree
├── active-response
│   └── bin
│       ├── default-firewall-drop
│       ├── disable-account
│       ├── firewalld-drop
│       ├── host-deny
│       ├── ip-customblock
│       ├── ipfw
│       ├── kaspersky
│       ├── kaspersky.py
│       ├── npf
│       ├── pf
│       ├── restart.sh
│       ├── restart-wazuh
│       ├── route-null
│       └── wazuh-slack
├── agentless
│   ├── main.exp
│   ├── register_host.sh
│   ├── ssh_asa-fwsmconfig_diff
│   ├── ssh.exp
│   ├── ssh_foundry_diff
│   ├── ssh_generic_diff
│   ├── ssh_integrity_check_bsd
│   ├── ssh_integrity_check_linux
│   ├── sshlogin.exp
│   ├── ssh_nopass.exp
│   ├── ssh_pixconfig_diff
│   └── su.exp
├── backup
├── bin
│   ├── agent-auth
│   ├── manage_agents
│   ├── wazuh-agentd
│   ├── wazuh-control
│   ├── wazuh-execd
│   ├── wazuh-logcollector
│   ├── wazuh-modulesd
│   └── wazuh-syscheckd
├── etc
│   ├── client.keys
│   ├── internal_options.conf
│   ├── local_internal_options.conf
│   ├── ossec.conf
│   ├── shared
│   │   ├── agent.conf
│   │   ├── ar.conf
│   │   ├── cis_apache2224_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_debian_linux_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_mysql5-6_community_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_mysql5-6_enterprise_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_rhel5_linux_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_rhel6_linux_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_rhel7_linux_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_rhel_linux_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_sles11_linux_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_sles12_linux_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_win2012r2_domainL1_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_win2012r2_domainL2_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_win2012r2_memberL1_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── cis_win2012r2_memberL2_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── merged.mg
│   │   ├── rootkit_files.txt
│   │   ├── rootkit_trojans.txt
│   │   ├── system_audit_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── system_audit_ssh.txt
│   │   ├── win_applications_rcl.txt
│   │   ├── win_audit_rcl.txt
│   │   └── win_malware_rcl.txt
│   └── wpk_root.pem
├── lib
│   ├── libdbsync.so
│   ├── libfimdb.so
│   ├── libgcc_s.so.1
│   ├── librsync.so
│   ├── libstdc++.so.6
│   ├── libsyscollector.so
│   ├── libsysinfo.so
│   ├── libwazuhext.so
│   └── libwazuhshared.so
├── logs
│   ├── active-responses.log
│   ├── ossec.json
│   ├── ossec.log
│   └── wazuh
│       └── 2024
│           └── Apr
│               ├── ossec-26-001.log.gz
│               ├── ossec-26.json.gz
│               ├── ossec-26.log.gz
│               ├── ossec-27.log.gz
│               ├── ossec-28.log.gz
│               └── ossec-29.log.gz
├── queue
│   ├── alerts
│   │   ├── cfgaq
│   │   └── execq
│   ├── diff
│   ├── fim
│   │   └── db
│   │       ├── fim.db
│   │       └── fim.db-journal
│   ├── logcollector
│   │   └── file_status.json
│   ├── rids
│   │   ├── 002
│   │   ├── 004
│   │   └── sender_counter
│   ├── sockets
│   │   ├── com
│   │   ├── control
│   │   ├── logcollector
│   │   ├── queue
│   │   ├── syscheck
│   │   ├── upgrade
│   │   └── wmodules
│   └── syscollector
│       ├── db
│       │   ├── local.db
│       │   └── local.db-journal
│       └── norm_config.json
├── ruleset
│   └── sca
│       └── sca_unix_audit.yml
├── tmp
├── var
│   ├── incoming
│   ├── run
│   │   ├── wazuh-agentd-2193.pid
│   │   ├── wazuh-agentd.state
│   │   ├── wazuh-execd-2184.pid
│   │   ├── wazuh-logcollector-2235.pid
│   │   ├── wazuh-logcollector.state
│   │   ├── wazuh-modulesd-2250.pid
│   │   └── wazuh-syscheckd-2224.pid
│   ├── selinux
│   ├── upgrade
│   └── wodles
└── wodles
    ├── aws
    │   └── aws-s3
    ├── azure
    │   ├── azure-logs
    │   └── orm.py
    ├── docker
    │   └── DockerListener
    ├── gcloud
    │   ├── buckets
    │   │   ├── access_logs.py
    │   │   └── bucket.py
    │   ├── exceptions.py
    │   ├── gcloud
    │   ├── integration.py
    │   ├── pubsub
    │   │   └── subscriber.py
    │   └── tools.py
    ├── __init__.py
    └── utils.py

39 directories, 120 files
sjdwhiting commented 2 months ago

I'm kind of thinking out loud as I write this. I see two possible situations for Wazuh on NixOS in a more production environment.

  1. The team managing the overall Wazuh project is comfortable with NixOS and would utilize the options to make changes and keep everything declarative.
  2. The team is NOT comfortable with NixOS and would want all central management to be through the manager. That said, even in this scenario, the team could ship over the changes to whoever manages the NixOS hosts and they could update the codebase.
V3ntus commented 2 months ago

Definitely some good points raised. I'm all in for rsync and just picking out what files/directories we should exclude.

sjdwhiting commented 2 months ago

So adding /var/ossec/logs/ and /var/ossec/logs/* to the exclude statements builds but it doesn't seem to work. On reboot the log files are still wiped. I rebooted my mac, which also has an agent, and the log files stay intact so it doesn't appear to be Wazuh itself wiping them.

V3ntus commented 2 months ago

Is it a possibility that the systemd-tmpfiles implementation be involved in any of those issues?

sjdwhiting commented 2 months ago

Appears to work with that change. I did it correctly on the first --exclude so funny that I messed it up on the second one. I tried having the entire path of /var/ossec/logs/ but you just need /logs/ for it to work since it already has the context of which directories it is working in. Logs survived a rebuild and reboot.

V3ntus commented 2 months ago

Sweeet good to hear. I'm good with merging this if you think it's ready. We'll worry about other stateful files later on when it gets brought up

sjdwhiting commented 2 months ago

Yea, I'm happy with it for now. I'm sure we will find more bugs and need to fix them. Especially as we, and hopefully others get this into actual use. A lot of that will come down to developing a deeper understanding of how Wazuh actually works.