V4NSH4J / discord-mass-DM-GO

The most powerful Discord selfbot written in GO allowing users to automate their campaigns & send low-cost mass messages to Discord users!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Error while users connecting to discord server #254

Closed londrwus closed 2 years ago

londrwus commented 2 years ago

I'm having issue when users connecting to discord server and in console writes out that everyone has connected but when I check is it true or no it writes out me that only half of them are on the server. I mean that 90-80 % tokens are in server, but when I check them manually with "Token Server Check" there only 50-40% in server. Another half is banned from this server. Is this problem with program or no? I'm using full verifed tokens and high-quality proxies image

V4NSH4J commented 2 years ago

The server probably has anti-raid measures which kick your tokens.

roberrti commented 2 years ago

How to avoid this anti-raid? I am facing same issue

V4NSH4J commented 2 years ago

Use higher delays. I've gone into very depth about this in the readme if you want to learn more about it.

roberrti commented 2 years ago

I have used proper delays. my tokens accepted in server but when I start DMs then after 76 DMs my tokens kicked out from server. What is solution of this?

V4NSH4J commented 2 years ago

I have used proper delays. my tokens accepted in server but when I start DMs then after 76 DMs my tokens kicked out from server. What is solution of this?

I can't really say as there's not one solution to every server. All servers have different anti-raids. They can be checking different things really. I've seen some people join thousands of tokens to lag out the anti-raids and quickly mass DM everyone. It really depends on the server.

roberrti commented 2 years ago

I have joined 25 tokens in same server manually, they stayed in that server, but when I joined by using captcha service then server kicked out my tokens.

V4NSH4J commented 2 years ago

I have joined 25 tokens in same server manually, they stayed in that server, but when I joined by using captcha service then server kicked out my tokens.

It's not possible, the program does exactly what you do manually. You can increase delay and use 1 thread to join them slower.

roberrti commented 2 years ago

It is happening, brother.

V4NSH4J commented 2 years ago

If the program joint them to the server and they got kicked, think about it, it's really not anything to do with the program but with the server's anti-raid

roberrti commented 2 years ago

If it's server then those token which I have joined manually are there in that server. why ?

V4NSH4J commented 2 years ago

If it's server then those token which I have joined manually are there in that server. why ?

Because of higher and random delay probably which it would've taken you to join the server. If you don't like the joiner, don't use it. I'm not going to repeat for the 5th time that it's the anti-raid.

roberrti commented 2 years ago

sorry, can you please tell me one thing more I am facing this issue while inviting ( Error while unmarshalling body invalid character 'e' looking for beginning of value error code: 1015 [17:43:38] Error while joining: invalid character 'e' looking for beginning of value )
Can you please tell me solution of this?

V4NSH4J commented 2 years ago


roberrti commented 2 years ago

You have updated old version. waow Love you bro

roberrti commented 2 years ago

Just last Question, sorry for wasting your time. I have read Question (What is membership screening/ minimum security of servers preventing me from DMing?) I just want to confirm that it is passed by manually only?

V4NSH4J commented 2 years ago

Just last Question, sorry for wasting your time. I have read Question (What is membership screening/ minimum security of servers preventing me from DMing?) I just want to confirm that it is passed by manually only?

It is bypassed automatically by the invite joiner as long as your account meets the requirements of the server. Only sometimes servers require you to wait 10 minutes before DMing.