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Inconsistency in error message for headlines command #2

Open V4Vern opened 4 weeks ago

V4Vern commented 4 weeks ago

Description: Inconsistency in error message for headlines command

Steps to reproduce: headlines 10000000000

Expected Result: Invalid index, too high. There are only 21 articles.

Actual Result: Please provide a valid number for the number of articles.


nus-pe-script commented 3 weeks ago

Team's Response

The second error is happening due to integer overflow and hence the error message is different (not a valid number) compared to an invalid index error (valid number). The two are different errors and according to 2113 guidlines is not a bug:


Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: According to CS2113 Website, under feature flaws, it mentioned that "Error messages can be correct but not specific enough.These cases can be considered type.FeatureFlaw. Calling an invalid value a 'format error' and vice versa is a severity.Low bug"

Thus, in this case, headlines 100 tells us that there is only 21 article but headlines 10000000 does not provide the same error message.
