V8-Luky / dspro1

DSPRO1 - Data Science Project 1
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Current state of api #45

Open V8-Luky opened 3 hours ago

V8-Luky commented 3 hours ago

The api currently has these three endpoints:


Returns a list of game names in the form:

  "games": [
    "Game 1",
    "Game n"

/hint?name="[Game Name]"

Generates and returns a hint using the secret target game and the queried game [Game Name]:

    "hint": "You're close, but consider the scope of the release.  Think about whether the guess includes *everything* that's been officially packaged together for this particular adventure.  The correct answer encompasses more than just the core game.\n"

/guess?name="[Game Name]"

Takes the guess [Game Name] and compares it to the secret target game. Returns the comparison:

  "metadata": {
    "...": "..."
  "similarity": 0.7762

Within the metadata element it'll return everything that we decide to store associated with the game.

V8-Luky commented 2 hours ago

@lucachenchenStud I've prepared a simple api definition of the existing backend (or the one that'll be deployed, once the other PRs are through).

Concerning the guess endpoint: I currently don't return which parts of the metadata matched with the metadata and which didn't - I'm guessing you'd required that? In what from would that be best for you?

Is there any other information you need (from any of the endpoints?)