VA3HDL / hamdashboard

Customizable Dashboard for Ham Radio
MIT License
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Rotate large image on right click #16

Closed KF0FTU closed 2 months ago

KF0FTU commented 2 months ago

Rotating through multiple images while in the large image mode would be nice. Currently, if I want to view the next image of a given tile in large image mode the sequence is as follows:

  1. Double-click to return to the dashboard (all tiles reset to index 0)
  2. Right-click the tile until the image desired image is visible
  3. Double-click tile to enlarge

This is not a problem until the desired image has text to determine which image is shown (timestamp data) which is too small to read in tile form.

Example of a tile's images for 3 days of forecast information: [ "NOAA FORECAST", "", "", "", ]

In looking at the code, I did not see an easy way to add this. It would take either looking up the URL to determine which tile array is selected or passing a value of the given aIMG[i][aIdx[i]] when replacing the backgroundImage to know which URL to index.

Thank you for this great dashboard!

VA3HDL commented 2 months ago

It is a good feature. Let me look into this. I will let you know once is done. Thanks. 73

VA3HDL commented 2 months ago

Hi Travis,

The feature you requested was added in the latest .html file. This is the only file you need to update with the github repo version.

73 de Pablo, VA3HDL