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[Feature] Solo Endorsements - Requirement for GCAP #16

Closed mgwalsh99 closed 7 months ago

mgwalsh99 commented 7 months ago

Changes to the Solo Endorsements.

Technically now, the SOLO is three solos, 30 days for a max of 90 days.

GCAP now authorizes 7 days to a max of 90 days for one Solo cert. All solo certs cannot extend beyond 90 days.

In addition, a solo extension period can be authorized for a max of 30 days. The Division Director has to seek permission from the VP of Americas to extend 30 day periods. So something that vatcan1, 2 or 3 can use to extend the solo to max 30 day increments.

A reset button for Vatcan executive (1,2,3) to reset the 90 days period completely based on 7.3(d).

xLostShadows commented 7 months ago

@mgwalsh99 So, if 1 year has passed since the expiry of the solo cert, you don't need permission from VP AMA? Am I reading that right?

mgwalsh99 commented 7 months ago

GCAP - 7.3(d) Notwithstanding the above, the 90-day limit shall be reset if a controller transfers Division and restarts training in their new Division or if a controller re-enters training having not received any training or a solo endorsement for a period of 1 year or greater.

7.3(e) In exceptional circumstances, a Region Vice President may approve a 30-day extension to a solo endorsement.

xLostShadows commented 7 months ago
