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[CRITICAL - POLICY IN EFFECT] Visiting Applications #27

Open mgwalsh99 opened 6 months ago

mgwalsh99 commented 6 months ago

To Develop the Visitor Application Process as per the Transfer / Visiting Policy

Solution Request Still Under Development

Start Visiting Request will be similar to that as the Transfer Request

1st Item 1) Controller Has an ATC of S3 or higher 2) If a home division controller, it has been 90 days since the last transfer. 3) If not a home division controller, the controller enters the 4-digit code for their home sub-division and that they attest to belonging to their home for at least 90 days. This information is sent with the pending visitor request. 4) They ATTEST that they are a member in good standing without any disciplinary actions within the past year. 5) The visitor requests EITHER Unrestricted ATC visitor access or training for the sub-divisions endorsement program.

2nd Item Modification to the Reject Visitor Request. 1) The process be modified so that upon the FIR Rejecting the Request to visit, that the reject request is subject to Vatcan Executive approval. The request for Reject can be rejected by division for GCAP cause OR the FIRs request be rejected and the application will be subject to controller acceptance by the division. (This needs to be discussed on how this would work).

3rd Item- Timing of the Application Process 1) That the Visitor Requests are timed. They are to be approved by X number of days.

4th Item Division Staff Options - A Visitor Override Flag similar to that of the Transfer Override Flag be enabled.

mgwalsh99 commented 4 months ago

We will need to start working on this project as we are now in the transition phase.