VBA-tools / VBA-JSON

JSON conversion and parsing for VBA
MIT License
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error in parsing http request JSON response #176

Open patsub opened 4 years ago

patsub commented 4 years ago

I have used below code to parse WinHttpRequest responseText using JsonConverter. Below is my code and response.

Sub getAuthToken(row As Integer, col As Integer, vin As String)                   
    Dim URL,JsonString  As String
    Dim objHTTP As New WinHttpRequest
    Dim Parsed As Dictionary

    URL = "http://webex.com/userlogin/validate"
    objHTTP.Open "POST", URL, False
    objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"

    JsonString = "{""emailId"":""****"",""passWord"":""*****""}"
    objHTTP.Send JsonString

    Set Parsed = JsonConverter.ParseJson(JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(objHTTP.ResponseText))    
End Sub

Response: [{ "employeeId": 999, "userId": ..... }] Getting error at the last line of Parsed -

"Run-time error '1001': Error parsing JSON: "[{"employe, expecting '{' or '['"

Its clear that the response not in the format JsonCoverter package is expecting. But do i need to do reformat before ParseJson? When i update the code as below Dim JSONa As Object Set JSONa = JsonConverter.ParseJson(objHTTP.ResponseText) it works, but how should iterate this object to get my response values? Attached the response structure response