VBAndCs / Use-ref-struct-in-VB.NET

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It's time for VB community to raise its voice #1

Open VBAndCs opened 3 years ago

VBAndCs commented 3 years ago

I think we should try to gather VB developers to have a saying about this: https://github.com/VBAndCs/Use-ref-struct-in-VB.NET/blob/main/README.md Please spread the word: @Happypig375 @pricerc @hartmair @franzalex @gilfusion @ekolis @tfukumori @RevensofT @jrmoreno1 @salelele @DzonnyDZ @rskar-git @cristianlt23 @aarondglover @ocdtrekkie @Nukepayload2 @vbcodec @Padanian @sahil48

DzonnyDZ commented 3 years ago

I hate these arrogant approaches from Microsoft. They've did similar many time in history. Sometimes the wrong approach prevailed and lasts till nowadays and people affected just gave up or moved to non-MS solutions; sometimes the history has shown how wrong have they been and they've payed high for the arrogance.

VBAndCs commented 3 years ago

@DzonnyDZ MS is not the only one to blame. VB devs are millions but VB society is a few dozens of people, with a weak voice in github, gitter, user voice, and stackoverflow. This made MS assumes they are vanished, as it didn't find any strong response to its bad decisions for VB.NET.

VBAndCs commented 3 years ago

I published an issue in developers community, as Cyrus closed the discussion in Roslyn, so, please vote for it: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/1296735/vbnet-can-actually-use-ref-structs-but-there-is-a.html

cristianlt23 commented 3 years ago

It is a pity, but I believe that this attitude from Microsoft will affect the company as a whole, in my locality we are already calling Microsoft a legacy company due to its history of discontinuity, It is not only VB.net that is losing, see the index https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/.

When the posture is arrogance, lack of respect, contempt with your customers the bill arrives!

VBAndCs commented 3 years ago

@cristianlt23 Although, there is only one comment and no votes on developer community! Seems that VB.NET is popular but VB developers don't care about its status.

DzonnyDZ commented 3 years ago

@VBAndCs well, I think Microsoft should approach the VB user base considering it's specifics. Not every developer is OSS & Github freak, not every developer has free time or support from their employer to be around Github and Stackoverflow. I was doing lot of (VB) stuff when I was at university, but nowadays when I'm in the real life it's also fading :-(.

VBAndCs commented 3 years ago

@DzonnyDZ I think MS based its decision on all feedback it gets, but Mercury can force it to recalculate the risk if it pulled a significant amount of VB.NET devs away from .NET ecosystem. I hope we can come up with another rival (say a VB.NET new fork, or some VB SDK that makes VB.NET more powerful) that makes the transition to C# questionable.

cristianlt23 commented 3 years ago

@VBAndCs What I think is this, DEV VB are developing most commercial, administrative and management systems, these systems do not create doubts because VB is very ready for this, very good and practical and above all easy! so DEVs do their job easily, with little research they find what is necessary, most do not even know what is happening today, moreover it is difficult for them to understand where all this will hinder what they are already able to do today. What we need is to find a good CASE for VB.net, a CASE that demonstrates its capabilities in addition to commercial systems and automation of small routines.

I have an idea, if you want you can call me at cristianlt@outlook.com.br

RevensofT commented 3 years ago

Didn't they use Memory(Of T) instead Span(Of T) long ago ?

About ref struct, isn't it just a class with sequential layout ? I believe they just make a mess on C#.

I believe everyone should prepare some api or framework as a bridge between your code and .net api, directly use .net api is going to be risk more and more, I believe it going to spin out of control in future, for example, do you feel anything wrong from code below this ?

Class = Class.Function()

And which one of those do you think it's value type ?

B = B.Double()

I believe you could see how thing mess up from example above, C# look very much like slime to me, they absorb and bloat without any restrain to take over Java and charm other C like language coder, it the main used and promote by MS to achieve marketing purpose so I believe it going to become IE6 of programing language on long run.

I used to question why MS so unlove VB but now I feel glad they leave VB alone, it blessing in disguise, long as VB can compile on newest version of VS and run on last version of .net then I'm very happy.

franzalex commented 3 years ago

What I constantly find confounding is the fact that although both languages compile into [theoretically] the same MSIL code, the powers that be deem it fit to constantly push VB.NET down and keep it from getting or even consuming new Framework features. This attitude from Microsoft is annoying and must stop.

franzalex commented 3 years ago

@VBAndCs for the record, I just returned from my end-of-year break and have proceeded to vote on the developers community issue you created.