Tandy Color Computer 3 Emulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Running VCC under wine32 results in an unstable status line and fails in full screen mode. #176

Open ejaquay opened 4 months ago

ejaquay commented 4 months ago

On my PC running WSL2 Ubuntu and a wine32 install VCC works except the status line flickers eratically and is unreadable. (Same thing happens in full screen mode on windows with some video drivers) This needs to be fixed or at least a means provided to disable it. Perhaps the F10 key can be used to disable status line on windowed VCC like it does when VCC is running full screen.

Also full screen mode does not work, a small VCC screen is displayed in the upper right hand corner but keyboard is unresponsive. If VCC can be made to recognize that it is running under wine perhaps full screen can be disabled or fixed.

If program is running under wine wine_get_version() will exist in ntdll.