VCCRI / Ularcirc

An R-shiny app that provides backsplice and canonical splicing analysis for both circular RNA (circRNA) and parental transcripts
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Cannot upload new data #3

Closed circR closed 4 years ago

circR commented 4 years ago

Hi David Thank you for this tool. I had a problem with the "upload new data" function. I tried the "SRR444655.Chimeric.out.junction" file and it seems working. However, when I upload my own Chimeric.out.junction file, the webpage just closes. I also tried with the output file of CIRCexplorer2 and the webpage also closes. Can you help with this? Thank you a lot.

Here's the information from RStudio; Loading data SRR444655.Chimeric.out.junction Loading data 10872179 Loading data
Loading data C:\Users\DC\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpWE73jR/20e277aa12d290a2a451f945/0.junction Loading data circularRNA_know_sort_1.txt Loading data 229190 Loading data text/plain Loading data C:\Users\DC\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpWE73jR/ba54d2d98a1aa49d2581e931/0.txtWarning: Error in <-: replacement has length zero 77: eval [C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.1\library\Ularcirc\shiny-app\circRNA/server.R#928] 76: eval 75: withProgress 74: LoadJunctionData [C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.1\library\Ularcirc\shiny-app\circRNA/server.R#733] 73: observeEventHandler [C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.1\library\Ularcirc\shiny-app\circRNA/server.R#1847] 2: shiny::runApp 1: Ularcirc

davhum commented 4 years ago

Thanks for getting in touch. Can you confirm the naming of your Chimeric.out.junction file, it appears to be named 0.junction. If so please rename to sample.Chimeric.out.junction.

Similarly your circExplorer output should be named from circRNA_know_sort_1.txt to sample.ce

As you can see Ularcirc requires specific file extensions to recognise the data file. I need to put a fix in to catch if no file is recognised – this is most likely why it just closed down on you.

Let me know if the file renaming solves the problem. Regards, Dave

circR commented 4 years ago

Hi Thanks for replying. Renaming the file solved the uploading problem. I have another issue. I'm using the C. elegans genome. I loaded the genome and refGene data. image Then I upload the Circexplorer2 output file using "sample.ce" as its name without any problem. However, when I navigated to Gene_view panel, a warning message appeared.

Loading species transcriptome coordinates Thu Sep 12 14:37:29 2019 Displaying list of 46857 genes built Thu Sep 12 14:37:29 2019 Loading data s1.ce Loading data 229190 Loading data
Loading data C:\Users\DC\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpSC9dj8/f3015252fea6a6872340408c/0.ceWarning in IdentifyDataSets() : No data loaded or selected so nothing to display Please navigate back to PROJECT tab and load a data set

I can build the BSJ table as below: image But when I chose one gene to show the transcript, another error appeared. Requesting Gene Object for zip-2 Thu Sep 12 14:46:26 2019Warning: Error in if: argument is of length zero 185: [C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.1\library\Ularcirc\shiny-app\circRNA/server.R#2604] 183: .func 180: contextFunc 179: env$runWith 172: ctx$run 171: self$.updateValue 169: circRNA_Subset 168: renderPlot [C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.1\library\Ularcirc\shiny-app\circRNA/server.R#3731] 166: func 126: drawPlot 112: 96: drawReactive 83: origRenderFunc 82: output$plotFSJ_BSJ_GeneModel 2: shiny::runApp 1: Ularcirc Warning: Error in if: argument is of length zero 100: image

Can you help with this? Thank you.

davhum commented 4 years ago

I suspect this might be a coding error relating to no FSJ file being present. As you aligned data with STAR would you mind uploading the file. To do this rename the to have the same file prefix (which in your case would be

Note you will have to upload both and s1.ce at the same time. Therefore make sure both files are in the same directory/folder so that you can select them both.

Let me know if this fixes the situation as this will confirm that I need to put another checkpoint in code.

circR commented 4 years ago

Hi David Yes, it works after uploading the and Circexplorer2 file. Thank you for your great help.

davhum commented 4 years ago

Have updated code which should catch filename errors.