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SequelSequencers #703

Closed danieldavies99 closed 9 months ago

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I would like to submit my plugin Sequel Sequencers: Source: Branch: master


cschol commented 2 years ago

Crash on module load:

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

Crash on module load:

Thanks, I'll look into this and get back to you

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

@cschol This should be fixed by #5 which is now merged into master.

cschol commented 2 years ago

Your plugin has been integrated and will be available for all supported platforms with the next Plugin Manager update. Please let us know in this issue when a new version is available. We will reopen it. Thank you for providing your plugin to the Rack community.

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

@cschol I have made an updated version of this module following some user feedback, as such I would like to reopen this issue,

version 2.0.1 commit:

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

@cschol @AndrewBelt Hi, I have added a new module (Sequel 16) and I have done some general code cleanup/refactoring:

V2.1.0 commit:

Please could you reopen this issue, thanks!

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

@cschol @AndrewBelt Hi, I would like to deprecate both modules in this plugin, in favour of the Daniel Davies plugin I have just submitted. As such I would like to reopen this issue:

deprecation commit:

cschol commented 2 years ago

@danieldavies99 Here is what we recommend: add your new plugins to the SequelSequencers plugin. Do not create a new plugin, like DanielDavies. Version 2.1.1 of Rack will add a compatibility override for SequelSequencers plugin slug. So, anyone who used the SequelSequencers plugin will automatically updated to a new plugin name. After release, you update the plugin slug of SequelSequencers to DanielDavies. Does that make sense? @AndrewBelt anything I missed?

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

@cschol that all makes sense, happy to do that. Quick question, would I break anything by renaming the SequelSequencers repo on GitHub?

cschol commented 2 years ago

I would wait until after the slug renaming. I just have to update the submodule name at that time.

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

@cschol Here is a commit on the sequel sequencer repo with the new modules: 67199f7ca79d36de9e70a65ffd3dee393adbbb54

I haven't added the plugin slug change the plugin.json in this commit, is that correct? or should I change the slug now?

Edit I've re-read your above replies and I understand what you're saying now, please could you re-open this issue and use the commit from this message, you can also close/delete the other Issue I created (

I'll reopen this issue after 2.1.1 is released with the slug change.

Also looking at GitHub docs, if I rename my repo, all links should still redirect, but to avoid confusion Id probably change the submodule URL anyway

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

Oops I screwed up and somehow the slug did change in the above commit, I will submit a new commit shortly

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

New commit: 55c50dcfd5a4e426dc42efaa6afb8f754f51c7a2

danieldavies99 commented 2 years ago

@cschol hi, I've been working on an update that will hopefully be ready for release fairly soon, I've checked and it looks like you've added the slug change I requested, I assume now I just need to update the slug in plugin.json ?

Also, what's the process for me renaming my GitHub repo? based on what I've read on the GitHub docs I think that all the old links should work after a rename but I don't want to accidentally break anything.


cschol commented 2 years ago

Yes. You can submit the updated plugin.json. Then you can rename the repo and I will update the submodule to point to the new name. Like you said, the old name should work, but I want to update the name in the submodule anyway.

danieldavies99 commented 11 months ago

@cschol @AndrewBelt Hi both, please see the latest version commit v2.2.2: (see later comment for up to date commit)

I have added 3 new modules, 2 of which are hidden in the plugin manifest for the time being as they are WIP. One new module (sequel save) will be added as part of this latest update.

I have also updated the plugin slug to "DanielDavies" as per our previous conversation. Also just to confirm, I'm okay to rename the repo to reflect the new plugin name as well? just give me the word and I will do it

Also pgatt has built for ARM64 and all appears to be working (I haven't included builds in my repo though), please let me know if there's anything else I need to do in that regard.


edit new commit link, 16/08/2023 - added exit crash fix

cschol commented 11 months ago

Go ahead now and rename your repo and I will update the URL in the library.

danieldavies99 commented 11 months ago

@cschol I have now renamed the repo

Also, a crash-on-exit bug was brought to my attention last night, we thought we'd fixed it yesterday but actually more changes were needed which I've just now merged.

Please can you use this update commit instead:


AndrewBelt commented 11 months ago

Can you change this slug back to SequelSequencers? It's already on the VCV Library and slug changes are a nightmare with no real benefit. Users will only see "Daniel Davies" since it's the plugin name and brand.

danieldavies99 commented 11 months ago

ok no problem, new commit: although I just want to confirm this is definitely correct because I think you already laid some foundations for this a while ago:

It doesn't majorly bother me either way

danieldavies99 commented 9 months ago

@cschol @AndrewBelt Hello again, please see this commit for the latest version of the DanielDaviesVCV modules (v2.3.0) I have added two new modules: Bend and James.

Please re-open this thread at your convenience.


edit new commit hash

danieldavies99 commented 9 months ago

Hi both, Apologies for the rapid releases, but I've got one more. New commit hash:

fixes some aliasing issues I was facing with the Bend oscillator module.
