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Airwin2Rack #751

Closed baconpaul closed 3 weeks ago

baconpaul commented 1 year ago


With Chris / @airwindows at airwindows I've been working on bringing the entire open source air windows effect collection to VCV rack in a single module. We finally got this working and read ready for the library. Last week @cschol confirmed it built in the docker toolchain, and our CI builds it in qnos toolchain image, so should all be good

Details: Repository: ~~Version: 2.0.0 Hash: fee1cc39966158cdaa84e2969e0ffdc58dce6c65~~ (See below for update)

After working with Chris he asked that we use the brand "Airwindows" for these plugins, which is his brand. I know you have great ethics rules about brand usage, but you can see Chris being active in our discussion of the item. But for avoidance of any doubt I asked him explicitly on our discord where we've been working and he shared the following:

Screen Shot 2023-01-23 at 9 13 52 PM

Please let us know if you need anything to help get this module into the library! And thanks as always for all your efforts.

airwindows commented 1 year ago

Confirmed: this is me, delegating some of the mechanics for making and supporting an ongoing Rack port, through use of my MIT-licensed codebase, and I'd like the project to use the brand 'Airwindows'. The 'entire open source Airwindows effect collection' is defined as also including new stuff as it comes out, and that looks practical to do, so this is not a one-time snapshot, my involvement is in continuing to develop effects and feeding them into the Airwin2Rack port machine regularly.

Looking forward to this! :)

baconpaul commented 1 year ago

yeah just from a cadence perspective this one will probably have 6+ updates a year in the library. It's all automated as Chris adds effects but i won't push every new effect as a library version since they do require some manual work from you. But those updates shouldn't change anything other than adding new effects to the menus and options. If there's a cadence that works better for you please let me know.


baconpaul commented 1 year ago

Oh also this builds both x86 and ARM no problem on mac. (In fact I did almost all my work with it in ARM).

airwindows commented 1 year ago

As long as I can direct people to the dailies on all platforms, so users CAN have the very newest plugin in their Rack each week if they want it, it's fine with me if the library doesn't update every single time. It can be a lot :) never more than weekly, as a rule…

baconpaul commented 1 year ago

yeah i still have one button to press when you update so we will lag a smidge but its an easy button to press so we can work that out. lets chat on discord about that not here.

baconpaul commented 1 year ago

Hi Folks

We found a couple of bugs in the last week so would prefer to submit version 2.0.1

version: 2.0.1 hash: af3975bca3484381059409008024525d83dba237 repo:

I ran the rack plugin library validator over it; for some reason the authorURL of doesn't validate on my mac. It is a legit URL though. Don't know if this is a problem.

Thanks as always.

airwindows commented 1 year ago

Given that is my website, if there's a problem with it validating with something I'm sure I can fix it :)

Petervos2018 commented 1 year ago

SOLVED. site is back up 👍

As of 27012023 the site is not reachable with firefox or edge, did you try it yourself ?


baconpaul commented 1 year ago

Even with the site up I get this

paul ~/dev/music/rack/rack-library-tools (master) % python3 ./ -p airwin2rack ..
[airwin2rack] Validating plugin.json...
Exception validating URL: (HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable)
[airwin2rack] Issues found in `plugin.json`:

Invalid URL:

even though I'm looking at the site now. I think this is something in the interaction between the validator and the website and was meant as a comment for school though really.

airwindows commented 1 year ago

What does the validator even want? Do I need to tell my site security to allow something it's not allowing? Whitelist something?

baconpaul commented 1 year ago

I don't know! I'm sure when the rack team turns to this they will tell us though.

My original guess was it was doing some user agent filtering or has a robots.txt but we need cschol to tell us for sure. Or just proceed with the exception also, which is fine.

cschol commented 1 year ago

The validator is just looking for a valid website by trying to access the URL. I have seen issues with the Python library using is because it doesn't understand redirects, etc. Don't worry about this failure here. I need to look at a more robust way to check if the website is valid (which it obviously is).

cschol commented 1 year ago

Your plugin has been integrated and will be available for all supported platforms with the next Plugin Manager update. Please let us know in this issue when a new version is available. We will reopen it. Thank you for providing your plugin to the Rack community.

baconpaul commented 1 year ago

Thanks @cschol as always for your work on the library!

baconpaul commented 1 year ago


I'm not going to update this plugin in the library for each and every release of a chris effect - we have nightlies for that - but I would like to try the roundtrip with a new version once, and chris just added a new reverb.

So if we could update

Version: 2.1.0 Hash: 045b7dd9f6837097b5c2001cd5e7cf44edbeac50

that would be great. I'll probably then hop to an every 4-6 week cadence on library pushes.


baconpaul commented 1 year ago

Hi! 4 new fx this month.

Version 2.2.0 Hash 87a2bd679d5bedfb00a151862ef1e5161effddb9


baconpaul commented 1 year ago


Version: 2.3.0 Hash: 893bbe235f16f6d437278f41cd937a7254162c4f


baconpaul commented 11 months ago

Happy June!

Version: 2.4.0 Hash: 899424daa4035d8e88496c5d485dedeadbc1a901

Thanks as always!

AndrewBelt commented 9 months ago

This plugin builds with Rack SDK 2.4.0 for Mac ARM64, but it doesn't load due to not finding the init() symbol. I'm not sure why that would be, but it could be an easy fix.

baconpaul commented 9 months ago

Ok I’ll take a look this week! Thanks for the heads up

baconpaul commented 9 months ago

OK I confirmed that with the rack 2.3 SDK I get an init and a loadable plugin arm64 and with the rack 2.4 SDK I do not.

Let me dig a bit deeper. I'll also tag @qno in case he has seen similar.

Thanks Andrew! Will revert once I have more.

baconpaul commented 9 months ago

Ahh yeah I found it

We were building plugin-arm64.dylib in our cmake wrapper and that changed back to plugin.dylib in the 2.4.0 sdk. Will have a fix together for this (and also BaconMusic and Surge which will need it).

Might not get all three today. we have no power and are on generator. but will get to em this week.


baconpaul commented 9 months ago


version: 2.5.0 hash: bc39556738e0bf27af1390d49aa77f2e0b886041

as well as adding a variety of effects, it also remediates this arm problem

I'll prep versions of surge and bacon music that do the same but if you could confirm that has builds and loads for you arm that would be great. Thank you so much.

baconpaul commented 9 months ago

Ok versions of all 3 are now in library. Thanks!

If I may suggest this line in the changelog

Move plugins folder to <Rack user folder>/plugins-<OS>-<CPU>.

maybe expand it to be

Move plugins folder to <Rack user folder>/plugins-<OS>-<CPU>; Revert 2.2.2 change where arm libraries are named plugin-arm64.dylib returning to plugin.dylib all architectures

baconpaul commented 9 months ago

Hi folks!

Small tweak to fix one bug

Version: 2.5.1 Hash: 57a9cc68344107c7ae50f6644c9bdfab87de4c97

Thanks as always!

baconpaul commented 7 months ago

Morning folks

v2.6.0 72d08d50fe660b6f921e36e81ba51efa4f36958f

ready for the library.

Thanks so much!

baconpaul commented 5 months ago

Hi Folks!

2.7.0 ready to go

Hash: ed85c825d7c493f3651c207df273f6024e91dd60 Tag: v2.7.0

Thanks so much!

baconpaul commented 4 months ago


Version 2.8.0 Hash: d1eb0db0042cadfa6f32fc4e5146e4e0e719b939


baconpaul commented 3 months ago

v2.9.0 is ready

hash a93d0a33f71bf34160875f63cf0129c187be0899


baconpaul commented 1 month ago


2.10.0 is ready


EDIT: Please hold off. 2.10.0 has a bug we just found. I'll have a 2.11.0 soon

We've made some changes in the repo a bit bigger than normal. I tested everything in the docker image and got a clean build, and was sure to isolate those changes from the rack-facing side of the project, but if you run into any problems let me know of course.


baconpaul commented 1 month ago


sorry about that false start

2.11.0 46861020727eaddc66a4aa021865d20fc36ef3c1

Thanks so much!