VCVRack / library

Database for the VCV Library
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Yokai_Holiday #762

Closed demcanulty closed 1 year ago

demcanulty commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have a first module to submit.

url: version: hash: 4d5cf1e118b3ad6672228fca3b2b4853144065d0

I've never contributed to an open source project before, so if I have any glaring omissions or need to read any manuals, please do point me in the right direction.

I've had people actively testing on this forum thread, and I believe it's ready to release.

There was an initial prototype that I made called Taps_Proto, that I've added the quality of hidden=true to in the plugin.json, so I haven't cleaned up the code for it and it's just there since I know a handful of people installed it and put it into patches while I was testing the initial development.

I believe this module fills a hole in the delay module options in vcv for a clickless reverse delay and is open source so others can reuse the concepts. The code is very C looking and not very C++, so it's not pretty, but the CPU usage on my system is on par with other simple delay modules, so I haven't attempted to optimize.

Please let me know any next steps or fixes I might need to make! Thanks for looking at this when you find time :)

cschol commented 1 year ago

Binary files in repository:

demcanulty commented 1 year ago

Thanks cschol,

I moved the old repo, and created a new clean one in the same place.

url: version: hash:96d5433eade1221f9acf0c3b8b8598675dfdbb38

cschol commented 1 year ago

Invalid tags and licence in plugin.json: Makefile missing from repository:

demcanulty commented 1 year ago

Thanks cshol, all three issues now addressed

cschol commented 1 year ago

Your plugin has been integrated and will be available for all supported platforms with the next Plugin Manager update. Please let us know in this issue when a new version is available. We will reopen it. Thank you for providing your plugin to the Rack community.

demcanulty commented 1 year ago

Yay, thanks!

demcanulty commented 1 year ago

Hello, found a potentially uninitialized pointer in my last release that could cause segfault, felt like it merited a quick fix:

new release:

url: version: hash: 0698fa221e4061e2be55f3fe1e76eeb2dd232fd7