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pachde-one #772

Closed Paul-Dempsey closed 9 months ago

Paul-Dempsey commented 11 months ago

Plugin: pachde One (slug pachde-one) Version: 2.0.0 Source: Commit: 7ff1882165fff7360f5772d39733cb46a45f076e

I've built and tested on Windows, WSL2/Ubuntu, and a separate machine with Ubuntu, but I don't have a Mac environment to build/test. I've asked for volunteer build/test on the community forum, but no takers so far. I've done a round of testing under valgrind and fixed the issues it found in my plugin.

Demo patch (more to come) :

cschol commented 11 months ago

Compile failure on macOS platform:

Paul-Dempsey commented 11 months ago

Thanks! I'm not sure what's the process at this point, since I don't have a Mac build environment to verify a fix. (If I did we certainly wouldn't be here) :-). Do I keep pushing changes until we're clear?

I checked in a possible fix by using std::isnan instead, but I don't have a great way to verify at the moment. commit Paul-Dempsey/pachde1@d1be04be2e7173c161631e06ec51f99a3a7867bf

cosinekitty commented 11 months ago

since I don't have a Mac build environment to verify a fix

Hi @Paul-Dempsey, you should take a look at using rack-plugin-toolchain. It allows you to build your plugin for Windows, Mac, and Linux all from a single Linux command prompt.

Since your plugin is hosted on GitHub, you can take advantage of this build process using GitHub Actions, where the build is performed in the cloud every time you push. This is what I do for my Sapphire plugin, and what a lot of other VCV Rack plugin developers use also. It has been enormously useful to know for sure that the code builds on all platforms before submitting it for approval.

Take a look at the yml file we use that will probably work as-is for your project also. I will be happy to help you get this working. I also did this to help @clone45 with his VoxGlitch plugin.

Paul-Dempsey commented 11 months ago

Don, I would be thrilled to have a leg up to get the github actions working! I've been asking for volunteers to help on the forums. I will gladly take PRs. Just started researching this part of github. Seems like a much better way to go for me than attempting to build the toolchain.

It should be pretty straightforward. Build for my plugin is bog-standard Rack plugin build by the book. There are no external dependencies (no make dep needed), and no submodules.

My main environment is Windows, although I just got an old laptop setup to run Ubuntu. The whole process of acquiring a valid licensed Mac SDK seems daunting. I've heard the toolchain build works in WSL2, which is promising, since this is my monster machine (plenty of RAM, disk, and cycles).

Thank you so much!

cosinekitty commented 11 months ago

Paul, can you try copying the build-plugin.yml file I linked into the same relative path, namely .github/workflows/, inside your repo? Once you push, it should start working immediately.

Paul-Dempsey commented 11 months ago

Thanks, Don, that's done the job!

@cschol Fixed all the issues with a couple of iterations:


I'm assuming that the process is that I close this issue?

Paul-Dempsey commented 11 months ago

Ok, rereading the readme, it appears I shouldn't close this, as that's done by the library maintainers when the module is published. (But mainly guessing because the readme doesn't describe the lifecycle of the process in much detail).

cschol commented 11 months ago

Your plugin has been integrated and will be available for all supported platforms with the next Plugin Manager update. Please let us know in this issue when a new version is available. We will reopen it. Thank you for providing your plugin to the Rack community.

Paul-Dempsey commented 10 months ago

New version for Rack 2.4

Info Detail
Plugin pachde One
Slug pachde-one
Version 2.1.0
Commit ~6b2249c65c82dc51a9cb599bef768a69c9924e7e~
Tag v2.1.0
Paul-Dempsey commented 10 months ago

Update to fix code analysis issues:

Commit 7497e83128f6b3e287d8bb41aa5bb6c0925a2aa6

Paul-Dempsey commented 9 months ago

Version 2.2.0 commit a54af320da5b074cc511e153ab907c579f15d709

Clean build all platforms, no new cppcheck issues