VCVRack / library

Database for the VCV Library
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squinktronix-plug1 #779

Closed squinkylabs closed 1 month ago

squinkylabs commented 7 months ago

I'm planning on putting these into the library, so this is just a "heads up".

The repo is here, it's structure pretty much like the Squinky Labs repo is. should be easy to build. I build them on the toolchain np.

One wrinkle - this repo has no license. Which is intentional, but might present issues for redistributing in the library. Let me know if I should change anything.


AndrewBelt commented 7 months ago

I have some suggestions:

cschol commented 7 months ago

Missing license key in plugin manifest:

squinkylabs commented 7 months ago

@AndrewBelt yeah, you are totally right about the redundant stuff in the slug. I guess it's ancient bad habit. Don't really want to change it as it will make life more difficult for the handful of people who have it already. Although I guess they would just end up with two copies.

squinkylabs commented 7 months ago

@cschol yes, I mentioned that there is no license file when I opened this issue. Could you advise me on what I should do? I guess I can create a custom license. Do you have any examples I could look at?

cschol commented 7 months ago

Pick one:

squinkylabs commented 7 months ago

I'm sorry for being dense. I think you are providing those as possible examples that I could use/adapt? I think my conclusion is that VCV library requires some kind of license text that can be linked to, but it doesn't matter what it says?

As I say, still slightly confused. The build toolchain was happy to build on all four (or three) platforms from my repo, but I guess there is also a requirement not enforced they the build toolchain that you must also have license?

I for sure would like to resolve this so that my modules may be downloaded for free from your library.

Are the requirements documented somewhere?


cschol commented 7 months ago

The manifest and its required fields are documented here (linking to specifically the license field):

squinkylabs commented 7 months ago

Thanks, that's super useful. Minor note: all the links on the page are dead. They link to eula pages in that do not exist.

squinkylabs commented 7 months ago

ok, I made a nice license. If you could put current main, aa8c342c10e0e53ea66140d88bc001d259a45d10 into the library that would be great!

cschol commented 6 months ago

Your plugin has been integrated and will be available for all supported platforms with the next Plugin Manager update. Please let us know in this issue when a new version is available. We will reopen it. Thank you for providing your plugin to the Rack community.

squinkylabs commented 6 months ago

It seems like the plugin is not actually in the library, although all the other ones are, so presumably there has been a plugin manager update?

AndrewBelt commented 6 months ago

One of the module objects in the plugin manifest doesn't include a tags property, so I had to make the website handle this case. Your plugin now appears at

squinkylabs commented 1 month ago

Ok, got a new module and a bug fix or two.

SHA: 6f29b84e18923b6c49cf0f59e14daf35fe2790ad repo: branch: main version: 2.2.4